Town of Carbonear and CBDC Trinity Conception Summer Business Luncheon

The Town of Carbonear and CBDC Trinity Conception cordially invite you to attend our Summer Business Luncheon

Monday, June 20, 2022
12:00 –2:00 p.m.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 23, 2 Bannerman Street, Carbonear
Greetings from The Honourable Steve Crocker, MHA, Carbonear -Trinity – Bay de Verde, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Arts, and Recreation & Government House Leader
Guest Speaker: Heather Howard, Executive Director, Conception Bay Area Chamber of Commerce

Tickets: $30.00 single  (3 course meal: Soup, Turkey dinner, and dessert)

Tickets can be purchased at the Town of Carbonear Office, 256 Water Street (Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.) and CBDC Trinity Conception, 21 Industrial Crescent, (Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)



The Town of Carbonear will host a Special Council Meeting today, Tuesday, June 07, 2022 at 3:30 p.m.

The Town of Carbonear will host a Special Council Meeting today, Tuesday, June 07, 2022 at 3:30 p.m.

The meeting will be live streamed on the Town of Carbonear YouTube Channel


2022 Eastern Provincial Grade 8 Boys “C” Basketball Championships happening this weekend!

Good luck to all participants!
Check out the schedule for the 2022 Newfoundland and Labrador Basketball Association Eastern Provincial Grade 8 Boys “C” Basketball Championships happening this weekend at Carbonear Academy!

Happy 25th Anniversary Rebuilt Pumps & Motors Ltd.

25 years!
Happy 25th Anniversary to the management and staff of Rebuilt Pumps & Motors Ltd.



June ParticipACTION calendar. Some small changes have been made!

Some small changes have been made to the June calendar!
Please refer to this schedule for all your fun June events!
Download the ParticipACTION app from your phones App Store, create an account and start logging your active minutes!!

Early Childhood Educators Week this year is May 30 to June 5.

Early Childhood Educators Week this year is May 30 to June 5.
Early Childhood Educators Week acknowledges and celebrates the crucial role early childhood educators play in the lives of children.
The theme this year is: Making a Difference, Everyday
Thank you for your contribution to the lives of our children, families and community each day!

It’s another beautiful day!

It’s another beautiful day!
We love seeing residents sprucing up their gardens and all the new faces visiting the Town….including this family seen at Canadian Tire yesterday.
(Photo credit: Geraldine and Edward Mercer Facebook)

Civic Numbers on Residential Properties

Civic Numbers on Residential Properties
The Carbonear Fire Department has noticed that many properties are lacking clear and visible house numbers. Firefighters, law enforcement and paramedics will find you faster when your home is properly marked.
The Town of Carbonear Civic Numbering Policy can be found here:

Points to remember:

  • Use civic numbers with a contrasting background, so they will be visible.
  • Civic numbers need to be at least 4 inches in height and visible under lighting at night
  • The bottom of the civic numbers should be a minimum of 48 inches above grade
  • The civic numbers should be displayed on the side of the building that faces towards the street upon which the street is addressed
  • Be sure to keep the civic numbers visible by trimming trees and bushes.

It’s another beautiful day!

It’s another beautiful day!
We love seeing residents sprucing up their gardens and all the new faces visiting the Town….including this family seen at Canadian Tire yesterday.
(Photo credit: Geraldine and Edward Mercer Facebook)

Reminder: Town of Carbonear Metals Collection. Last Friday of the month, starting this Friday, May 27, 2022

Town of Carbonear Metals Collection
Last Friday of the month, starting this Friday, May 27, 2022.
If you have metals, please contact the Town office at 596-3831 and provide your name, civic address and list of metal items to be collected.
Metal items must be placed at curbside for collection.
Please note, this notice is regarding collection of metals, not bulk waste collection.

Community Better Challenge starts June 1st!

The Community Better Challenge is a week away!!

Here is our calendar of events for the month. A description of each event with date and time written will be posted on Monday

Make sure to download the participaction app on your app store to participate! We have a chance to win $100,000 grant towards recreation in our community!

For more info, check out the Carbonear Pool and Recreation Facebook page! Carbonear Pool and Recreation

Public Notice: Discretionary Development Proposal 15 Valley Road


Discretionary Development Proposal                                                                  

The Town is in receipt of an application to construct a greenhouse at 15 Valley Road. This will result in a total floor area of all accessory buildings on the lot measuring 173m2. The maximum floor area is 81m2 for a single storey accessory building. Council has the discretion to approve a total floor area greater than the maximum, provided the lot size is greater than 1400m2 and the total lot coverage does not exceed 7% of the lot size. For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].

Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town no later than 4:00pm on Thursday, June 2, 2022.

Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear P. O. Box 999, Carbonear, NL      A1Y 1C5
Tel:  596-3831       Fax: 596-5021 E-mail: [email protected]

Discretionary Notice 15 Valley Road

2022 Come Home Year Community Clean Up!

2022 Come Home Year Community Clean Up!

Do you want to show love for where you live and help with our community clean up?
Join in our Come Home Year Community Clean Up this year on Saturday, June 4th and together let’s step up and clean up!
Residents, neighbourhoods, community groups, schools and businesses can all join in!
We will provide supplies for your clean up as well
Follow the link and register your clean up or you can also call the office at 596-3831 to provide the details to register your clean up.
Come Home Year Community Clean Up
Saturday, June 4, 2022 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Don’t forget!
The Carbonear Volunteer Fire Department are hosting the Household Hazardous Waste Collection on the Civic Centre parking lot from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m . on Saturday, June 4th.

Congratulations and Good Luck to those who will be representing Newfoundland and Labrador at the Canada Games this year!

This past weekend, Canada Games Team Wrestling Open Training Camp and the Wrestling Team Selection Tournament were held at Carbonear Collegiate.
Clinic was led by former Team Canada Athlete Leah Callahan

The weekend was open to any athlete of Canada Games age who would like selected for the 2022 Team NL Canada Games Wrestling Team.
Kudos to all of those who participated in the weekend session and congratulations to those who will be representing Newfoundland and Labrador in the Canada Games this year.

The 28th edition of the Canada Games will take place in the Niagara Region from Saturday, August 6th to Sunday, August 21st, 2022.

Spencer Newman earned an alternate spot on the men’s team

Andrew Taylor and Curtis Warren joined the men’s team after winning their divisions.

Emma Cleary, Sara Young, and Abbigayle Lee joined the women’s team after winning their divisions.
Congratulations and good luck!

ATV Route directional signage has been placed back along the approved ATV Route

On your travels, you’ll notice the ATV Route directional signage has been placed back along the approved ATV Route. As per the Town of Carbonear Recreational Vehicles Regulations adopted in July of 2021.

Information on the approved ATV Route can be found here:

A reminder as well, effective today, May 19, 2022, the wearing of helmets on all off-road vehicles will be mandatory. The new provincial Off-Road Vehicles Act and Regulations came into effect today. (These can be found here:…/annuals…/2021/O-5.1.chp.htm )

Next cooking class! Registration details!

Next cooking class!
Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 12:00 p.m.
Join Alda as she shares her resipes for Mexican snacks! Tostadas and burritos!
To register, call Town office: 709-596-3831
Space is limited!
First call, first registered!

Eastern Health “Grief and Bereavement Information Session” Thursday, May 26, 2022

Eastern Health Pastoral Care and Bereavement Services is offering a “Grief and Bereavement Information Session scheduled on Thursday, May 26th, 2022 from 6:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. via Zoom/teleconference.

Dale Careen is offering a “Grief and Bereavement Information Session scheduled on

Thursday, May 26th, 2022 from 12:00-1:30pm via Zoom/teleconference.

Join Zoom Meeting


Join by phone (free):

1- 778-907-2071
Meeting ID: 946 0193 2791

Passcode: 221824

Congratulations Rachel Graham! 2st in the Royal Canadian Legion National Poetry contest


Rachel Graham, Carbonear Collegiate student. Rachel finished 1st in the Royal Canadian Legion National Poetry contest.

The Literary Composition, part of the Legion’s Youth Program, is meant to foster an understanding of the sacrifices made on our behalf by many young men and women in World Wars I and II, and the Korean War.
Congrats Rachel!

Today is DIPG Awareness Day

May 17th is Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) Awareness Day.
Today we are asking residents to help raise awareness of DIPG and honour Trinity Ellsworth & her family & the other children and families who are victims of this terrible disease by wearing grey and gold (yellow).

Round 2 of Litter Bingo!

Thank you!

We’ve had an amazing response to our first round of Litter Bingo! Love seeing everyone out cleaning up our community!
Our next round of Litter Bingo is the small postage stamp. This round will end on Sunday, May 20th at noon. Make sure to submit your entries for Ruond 2 by then!
Don’t forget to send along your entries (reminder: cannot use the same pictures from the previous round).
Winners for each round will be announced at the Carbonear Community Clean Up coming up on Saturday, June 4th.

Congratulations Carbonear Academy Jr. Boys Grade 8 Basketball Team!

This past weekend the Carbonear Academy Junior Boys Grade 8 Basketball Team won the Regional Tournament and are Regional Champs! Way go to Lions! 🦁 🏀
The  Provincials will take place at Carbonear Academy on June 3 to the 5th, 2022.

Reminder: Bulk Garbage Collection for the Town of Carbonear begins on Monday, May 16th.

Reminder: Bulk Garbage Collection for the Town of Carbonear begins on Monday, May 16th.

NOTE: Please separate bulk items from metal collection items.

Upcoming Bulk Garbage Collection dates:
May 16 and Sept. 19: Carbonear (east of and including, Bemister’s Hill)
May 30 and Oct. 3: Carbonear (west of Bemister’s Hill to Pondside Rd. and side roads off Pondside Rd)

June 13 and Oct. 17: Carbonear (south of and including London Rd, Forest Rd)

· Residents must have items curbside/roadside by 7 a.m. on the day collection begins. It may take a number of days for bulk items to be collected from all residences. To be as efficient as possible, not all materials will necessarily be collected at once. For example, furniture may be collected on day one and metal collected the following day.

· Glass shall be boxed and “GLASS” written on items for the safety of collectors.

· Tree limbs must be tied in bundles less than 1.5 m (4 ft), less than 22 kg (50 lbs)

· A limit of 500 lbs/226 kgs or one pick up load (whichever is less) will be collected from each household. Please note that individual items should be a maximum of 50 lbs/22 kgs.

PUBLIC NOTICE Discretionary Use 42 Mahaney’s Lane


Discretionary Use (PDF can be found here:       Discretionary Notice 42 Mahaney’s Lane )                                                          

The Town of Carbonear is in receipt of an application to operate a dog and cat grooming business from 42 Mahaney’s Lane.  This application is being considered as a discretionary use in a Residential Medium Density Zone. For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].

Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town of Carbonear no later than 2:00 pm on Thursday, May 19, 2022 to:

Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear        P. O. Box 999, Carbonear, NL      A1Y 1C5
Tel:  596-3831       Fax: 596-5021           E-mail: [email protected]

PUBLIC NOTICE Discretionary Use 27 Goff Avenue


Discretionary Use       (PDF can be found here: Notice 27 Goff Avenue )                                                              

The Town of Carbonear is in receipt of an application to operate an office space for a home care agency from 27 Goff Avenue. This application is being considered as a discretionary use in an Industrial  Light (IL) zone.

Anyone with objections or representations must submit them in writing, including your name and address, no later than 2:00 pm on Thursday, May 19, 2022 to:

Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear        P. O. Box 999, Carbonear, NL      A1Y 1C5
Tel:  596-3831       Fax: 596-5021           E-mail: [email protected]

PUBLIC NOTICE Discretionary Development Proposal 56 Irishtown Road


Discretionary Development Proposal (PDF can be found here: Notice 56 Irishtown Road )                                                               

The Town is in receipt of an application to construct a shed at 56 Irishtown Road. This will result in a total floor area of all accessory buildings on the lot measuring 92m2. The maximum floor area is 81m2 for a single storey accessory building. Council has the discretion to approve a total floor area greater than the maximum, provided the lot size is greater than 1400m2 and the total lot coverage does not exceed 7% of the lot size. For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].

Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town no later than 4:00pm on Thursday, May 24, 2022.

 Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear P. O. Box 999, Carbonear, NL      A1Y 1C5
Tel:  596-3831       Fax: 596-5021 E-mail: [email protected]

PUBLIC NOTICE Discretionary Development Proposal 10 Garland’s Lane

PUBLIC NOTICE (PDF can be found here: Notice 10 Garlands Lane )

Discretionary Development Proposal                                                                  

The Town is in receipt of an application to construct a garage at 10 Garland’s Lane. This will result in a total floor area of all accessory buildings on the lot measuring 101m2. The maximum floor area is 81m2 for a single storey accessory building. Council has the discretion to approve a total floor area greater than the maximum, provided the lot size is greater than 1400m2 and the total lot coverage does not exceed 7% of the lot size. For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].

Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town no later than 4:00pm on Thursday, May 24, 2022.

 Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear P. O. Box 999, Carbonear, NL      A1Y 1C5
Tel:  596-3831       Fax: 596-5021 E-mail: [email protected]

PUBLIC NOTICE Discretionary Use 57 Gap Road


Discretionary Use     (PDF can be found here: 57 The Gap Road Appliance Repair Notice                                                                

The Town of Carbonear is in receipt of an application to operate an appliance repair business from 57 The  Gap Road. This application is being considered as a discretionary use in a Residential Medium Density Zone. For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].

Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town of Carbonear no later than 2pm, Thursday,  May 24, 2022.

 Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear P. O. Box 999, Carbonear, NL      A1Y 1C5
Tel:  596-3831       Fax: 596-5021 E-mail: [email protected]

Happy 10th Anniversary St. Patrick’s Organic Community Garden!

Happy 10th Anniversary St. Patrick’s Organic Community Garden!

On this date in 2012, the St. Patrick’s Organic Community Garden hosted their Opening Celebration.

The garden has been created in an effort to help build local sustainable food sources, as well as offer educational opportunities to the greater community.

We wish the organizing committee and gardeners a successful growing season with bountiful blooms and harvest!

Happy Anniversary!

Municipal Awareness Week: Operations and Public Works Department

As we have our crew out investigating a water main break this morning, we thought we would focus on one of the many important functions of the Operations and Public Works Department.
Our Public Works crew respond to emergency calls for broken water mains and services, as well as undertaking regular maintenance of the valves, pump stations, and fire hydrants. They are also responsible for installing service connections, water quality monitoring and water main maintenance which includes flushing.
Reminder, our annual water main flushing program is currently happening.

Town crew are continuing to investigate a water main leak on Earle’s Lane

Town crew are continuing to investigate a water main leak on Earle’s Lane.

Households in the area of Jane’s Avenue and Mutreyville Place may experience a disruption of water service and decreased water pressure again tomorrow, Thursday, May 12, 2022 beginning at 9 a.m.  

Updates will be provided when available.

Water Main Leak Repair on Earle’s Lane

Town crew are investigating a water main leak on Earle’s Lane.

Households in the area of Jane’s Avenue and Mutreyville Place may experience decreased water pressure and loss of water this afternoon during repairs.

Updates will be provided when available.


It’s here! Litter Bingo!

It’s here!! It’s the first Litter Picking Bingo event!

25 days until our Community Clean Up and 25 items to find on our bingo card!

On the bingo card each box has items that you will need to find in your clean up.  When you find something on the card, don’t forget to take a photo of what you found before you place it in the trash or recycling bin.  Otherwise your entry won’t count!
Litter Bingo cards can be printed off from the link below or you can pick up your copy from the Town office (Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.)
Please note: Each item requires a photo, cannot reuse photos for items.

First Round Bingo Game:  Straight line
Our first round bingo game is a straight line.
Don’t submit your entry until you’ve got a straight line filled out!

How to enter:
To enter, you can post your photos of your completed line and tag our
social media on Facebook or Instagram.  Don’t forget to include the
hashtag #Carbonearcleanup

Or you can stop by the office, or email [email protected]

Our first round will start today and end Sunday, May 15, 2022. Deadline for submission is noon Monday, May 16, 2022.

Next round will start Monday, May 16, 2022.  Stay tuned for details on the game!

Winners of rounds will be announced at our Community Clean Up on Saturday, June 4th, 2022.  Prizes will feature free passes, gift cards and Town of Carbonear swag.

Don’t forget to have fun and be safe!

Litter Bingo Card pdf


Municipal Awareness Week: Did you know…..

It’s Municipal Awareness Week!

Did you know that the Town of Carbonear has 4 Standing Committees in place. A Standing Committee is a consultative body that provides direction on policy development and provides recommendations for Council’s consideration. The decisions of all committees are subject to approval by Council.

For more information, visit the link below:

May17th proclaimed Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) Awareness Day

This evening in the Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting, May 17th is proclaimed Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) Awareness Day.
On Tuesday, May 17th, we are asking residents to help raise awareness of DIPG and honour the children and families who are victims of this terrible disease by wearing grey and gold (yellow).

Congratulations and good luck to the Carbonear Collegiate 4A Boys Ball Hockey team!

Congratulations to the Carbonear Collegiate 4A Boys Ball Hockey team on winning the Qualifier Tournament. The team will be heading to Marystown at the end of the month to compete in the School Sports Newfoundland and Labrador 4A Boys Varsity Ball Hockey Provincials.


Congratulations and Good Luck to Jasmine Wheadon!

Congratulations and Good Luck to Jasmine Wheadon. Jasmine recently passed her final freeskate test program as part of the Gold Program!
Jasmine will also be heading to Ontario, to the Milton Skating Club for skate school later this month with training coach Nancy Lemaire. Nancy Lemaire is a Nationally recognized Professional Figure Skating Coach specializing in Competitive Singles. Nancy has developed and coached multiple Canadian National Medalists in her thirty year career.
Congratulations and safe travels!

Cinco de Mayo! Cooking with Alda!

Cinco de Mayo ( “Fifth of May”) is a yearly celebration held on May 5, which commemorates the anniversary of Mexico’s victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862.
In celebration, we are sharing a short video of Carbonear resident, Alda, sharing how to make salsa!

The Town of Carbonear would like to advise property owners that the annual water main flushing program starts May 9, 2022

The Town of Carbonear would like to advise property owners that the annual water main flushing program starts May 9, 2022

May 9—May 13 Areas West of the Community Centre & north of Island Pond Brook
May 16—May 20 St. Clare Ave. and areas between Chapel Hill & Crocker’s Cove
May 24—May 27 Southside of Carbonear including Powell Dr. to  Saddle Hill; Pondside Road; London Road including connecting streets and Forest Rd.

During this time some discoloration and reduction in water pressure may occur.  Residents are asked to refrain from washing clothes and other related activities when flushing is taking place in your area.

If you notice discoloration, please run the cold water tap (preferably one without a screen such as in the bath tub) until the water clears to remove any sediment that may have entered their service lines during the flushing in their area.
Discoloration in the water will be temporary.

We appreciate your cooperation & apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you!




International Firefighters’ Day is celebrated every May 4th.

International Firefighters’ Day is celebrated every May 4th. It is a day chosen to recognize and honor the work and sacrifices made by firefighters around the world to keep our communities safe.
Today is an opportunity to show our appreciation to these essential frontline men and women.
Thank you for all you do in our community to keep it safe!

Youth Ball Hockey League Registration! Sign up by May 16, 2022

We are pleased to announce our Youth Ball Hockey League for June 2022!
Birth years: 2010-2016
Teams of 7 (including goalie)
Must have own equipment
register by filling out the form attached:
Any questions can be asked via phone (7095967535) or by email ([email protected])

Carbonear Swimming Pool Schedule as of May 1, 2022

Happy Eid Mubarak

Happy #EidMubarak


Today, April 28, is National Day of Mourning

Today, April 28, is marked nationally as the National Day of Mourning. The day is dedicated to remembering those who have lost their lives, suffered injury or illness on the job, or experienced a work-related tragedy.
A plaque in memory of workers from the region who lost their lives through workplace accidents and industrial diseases can be found in the lobby of the Conception Bay Regional Community Centre as installed by the Baccalieu Trial & District Labour Council. (next to the door to the Town Office).
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety encourage organizations, communities, and individuals to observe a moment of silence at 11:00 am today.

Thank you to volunteers who help keep our community clean!

Happy Administrative Professionals Day in Canada

Today, April 27th, is recognized as Administrative Professionals Day in Canada.

We would like to take this opportunity to recognize our fantastic team. We are grateful to have an incredible team of Administrative Professionals who are talented, hardworking, and a valued and integral part of our organization.

Thank you for all that you do!


Town office is closed on Monday, April 25, 2022

The Town office will be closed on Monday, April 25, 2022

The Town office will re-open on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 8:30 a.m.

We’re hiring! First Contact Community Coordinator

First Contact Community Coordinator   PDF can be found here: First Contact Community Coordinator Job Ad April 2022

The Town of Carbonear is currently accepting applications for a full-time, temporary, Coordinator to support our Welcoming Community Initiatives.

Work Hours: Full-time, 35 hours/week x 24 weeks

Hourly Rate of Pay: $16.50/hr

Position Summary:
The Coordinator will expand on the Welcoming Communities Initiative. The Welcoming Communities Initiative is a municipal driven project to address integration and retention needs in the town of Carbonear and area.  The coordinator supports the development of this project by engaging stakeholders, developing identified community initiatives, and building on diversity/inclusion training.  Members and stakeholders include, but are not limited to, schools, levels of government, professional associations, faith-based organizations, ethno-cultural organizations, and the community and social services sector.
Second phase in the Town’s Welcoming Communities Plan. The project will expand on the work completed in Phase I, including partnerships to increase multi-sectoral buy in and engagement at both the local community level & provincially.

Key duties and responsibilities include (but are not limited to):

  • Awareness and Employer Engagement: Creating Welcoming Spaces monthly hosted by various groups/schools/businesses that will provide the opportunity for people to learn about the place or group, as well as meet others in the community. Increase engagement and education of businesses and connection and education of settlement service organizations to assist with employee recruitment.
  • Prepare and schedule presentations to stakeholders to increase knowledge and awareness regarding newcomers experience and steps to assist in retention.
  • Organizing a service/community organization fair for the public to learn about various groups and service organizations operating both locally and provincially as well as public diversity/inclusion/multiculturalism community events throughout the project life.
  • Monthly sessions hosted by the Town that provide a Welcome to the Town and general information about the Town with spotlights on various amenities or services available.
  • Research and identify best practices and project plans that will enhance newcomers cultural and community integration and support the Welcoming Community Initiative
  • Identify, consult and collaborate with partner organizations and working groups
  • Recruit and train volunteers to assist with the project, where needed
  • Conduct evaluations and collect stories that measure and attest to the project impact in the community.


–   Minimum two years of post-secondary training in community development or a related field, or equivalent experience
–   Demonstrated understanding and experience with community development processes and tools
–   Valid driver’s license and reliable vehicle
–   Satisfactory vulnerable sector criminal record check

Application must be submitted by close of business 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 6, 2022

Please submit your cover letter and resume via email or in person to the Town of Carbonear:

First Contact Community Coordinator
Town of Carbonear
PO Box 999, 256 Water Street
Carbonear, NL  A1Y-1C5
(Telephone) 596-3831   (Fax) 596-5021
Email: [email protected]

Thank you for your interest. Please note we do not accept phone calls and only those candidates that are chosen to move on in the hiring process will be contacted.


Town of Carbonear Bulk Garbage Collection (Please separate bulk items from metals collections)

Town of Carbonear Bulk Garbage Collection  (Please separate bulk items from metals collections)


May 16 and Sept. 19: Carbonear (east of and including, Bemister’s Hill)

May 30 and Oct. 3: Carbonear (west of Bemister’s Hill to Pondside Rd. and Sideroads off Pondside Rd)

June 13 and Oct. 17: Carbonear (south of and including London Rd, Forest Rd)

 Things to Remember:  Please separate bulk items from metals collection items.

  • Residents must have items curbside/roadside by 7 a.m. on the day collection begins. It may take a number of days for bulk items to be collected from all residences. To be as efficient as possible, not all materials will necessarily be collected at once. For example, furniture may be collected on day one and metal collected the following day.
  • Glass shall be boxed and “GLASS” written on items for the safety of collectors.
  • Tree limbs must be tied in bundles less than 1.5 m (4 ft), less than 22 kg (50 lbs)
  • A limit of 500 lbs/226 kgs or one pick up load (whichever is less) will be collected from each household. Please note that individual items should be a maximum of 50 lbs/22 kgs.

Town of Carbonear Spring Lights – Thursday, April 28, 2022

Next Thursday, April 28, 2022
Town of Carbonear Spring Lights
Pergola green space
Dusk to 9:30 p.m.
If you’d like to create your own lantern at home to bring, we’ve added instructions that will help!
No open flame for safety, requesting interested participants use glow sticks or battery operated tea lights.

Learn Not To Burn Contest


Learn Not To Burn Contest
Contest Ends April 30, 2022

To Enter:
Student must draw a picture of a fire prevention message which is creative, informative and fun.

The contest is open to all students in kindergarten to Grade 3 in Newfoundland and Labrador
One entry per student

Pictures must be no bigger than 9×11 inches

Students can enter via email at [email protected] or mail to Suite 206, 90 O’Leary Ave., St. John’s, NL A1B 2C7

Please include the students name and address, along with the teacher’s name, school and grade.

There are six regions in the province under the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Fire Services.  One student in ear region will win a Chromebook, $100 amazon gift card, smoke alarm and Sparky plush toy.  In addition, the class of the winning student will receive lunch for his/her classmates.


For more information, please contact Tom Yetman at 709-424-3624 or Michelle Squires at 709-425-6500

We are hiring! Summer student positions in the Recreation and Tourism Departments!

We are hiring!
Summer student positions in the Recreation and Tourism departments! (Pending funding approval)
Deadline: Friday, May 13, 2022 (by 4:30 p.m.)
For Tourism/Come Home Year Ambassador positions:
Drop off resumes to the Town Office (256 Water Street) Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Or by mail:
Summer Student Positions
Town of Carbonear
P.O Box 999, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5
Recreation Department summer positions:
To apply:
Drop off resumes to the Carbonear Swimming Pool, 63 Valley Road, Carbonear Attn: Rob Button
Mail resumes:
Town of Carbonear
Attn: Rob Button
P.O Box 999, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5
We have been approved for Young Canada Works funding:
Community Oral Story Archivist
Applicants are asked to indicate in their cover letter or an appending application document how they meet the YCW in Heritage eligibility criteria. Candidates must register an account with Young Canada Works but must also submit a separate resume and cover letter to the Town of Carbonear
Submit resume and cover letter outlining relevant skills and experience
or drop off in person between 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, Town Council Office
256 Water Street, Carbonear, NL

Thank you Arul and Alda!

Thank you!

We’d like to thank Arul and Alda for sharing their time and passion for cooking today.

Those who registered for each session went home with full bellies and excited to try the new recipes.

Looking forward to the next sessions in May! We will also include more presenters to share more tasty dishes!

Keep an eye on our website and social media for registration information on upcoming cooking classes in May.

Phase Two Downtown Revitalization Plan funding announcement

The Town of Carbonear Council was pleased to welcome Member of Parliament for Avalon, Ken McDonald, and Honourable Steve Crocker, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.
MP McDonald announced $849,732 from ACOA’s Innovative Communities Fund for the Town of Carbonear to implement Phase Two of its Downtown Revitalization Plan. Minister Crocker announced $326,820 towards the project through the Department of Industry, Energy and Technology. The Town of Carbonear is contributing $130,727.

Swimming Lesson Registration Information

Swimming Lesson Registration Information!!

Check Carbonear Pool and Recreation Facebook page for upcoming post with the times available for each level so that parents/guardians can be ready for registration day. Keep an eye out next week for that post

Upcoming cooking classes! Registration information below!

Upcoming Cooking Classes!
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
10:00 a.m.
Join Arul as he shares a favorite Indian dish
1:00 p.m.
Join Alda to cook one of her tasty Mexican dishes!
Registration required.
To register, please call 596-3831 and leave your name and number and which class you would like to attend.
Limited space available!
Stay tuned for the schedule of upcoming cooking classes starting in May and registration information. Keep an eye on our social media and website.

Discretionary Use Notice: 27 Goff Avenue

Town of Carbonear Discretionary Use 27 Goff Avenue

The Town of Carbonear is in receipt of an application to operate a Computer Repair/Retail Sales business from 27 Goff Avenue.  This application is being considered as a discretionary use in an Industrial Light (IL) zone.

Anyone with objections or representations must submit them in writing, including your name and address, no later than 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 7, 2022 to:

Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer,
Town of Carbonear, 256 Water Street
P.O Box 999, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5;
Tel: 709-596-3831, Fax: 596-5021
or Email: [email protected]

“Mayor for a day” Essay Contest

Congratulations to Nicholas O’Driscoll!
Nicholas is the winner of the “If I were Mayor for a Day Essay Contest”
Nicholas will be in attendance at the Regular Council Meeting tonight.
Essay entries will be posted in the Lobby this evening and will be available for public viewing this week.

Blood Donor Clinic Tomorrow- Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Canadian Blood Services Blood Donor Clinic tomorrow!
Make donating blood your most meaningful and lasting commitment this year. There is an immediate need for all blood types, donate this Tuesday in Carbonear.
Knights of Columbus
18 Adelaide Street, Carbonear
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. & 4:30 to 8 p.m.
Appointments are limited and if you make an appointment, try to keep it. If you are unable to make it to your appointment please cancel it so that they try to find someone else to take your place.
Book now at, on the GiveBlood App or call 1 888 2 DONATE
May be an image of body of water and text that says 'Canadian BLOOD Blood Services ORGANS TISSUES Your donation matters It matters to every patient across Canada. Because it's something we can do today to help others wake up healthier tomorrow. Donate blood Knights of Columubs 18 Adelaide Street, Carbonear Tuesday, March 22 11:30 a.m. to p.m. & 4:30 to p.m. Join Canada's lifeline Visit to learn more.'

Discretionary Notice:


Discretionary Use                                                                   

The Town of Carbonear is in receipt of an application to construct a five-unit (2 bedroom per unit) 55+ housing row dwelling at 102-104 Highroad South. This is a discretionary use in a Residential Medium Density Zone. Anyone with objections or representations must submit them in writing no later than

4:00 pm on Thursday, March 24, 2022 to:

Ms. Cynthia Davis
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear
P.O. Box 999
Carbonear, NL      A1Y 1C5
Tel:  596-3831       Fax: 596-5021
E-mail: [email protected]

Discretionary Notice 102-104 Highroad South


Athlete of the Year Nomination Form

Annual Awards Nomination Form 2021
Jr Female Athlete of the Year (2007 or later)
Jr Male Athlete of the Year (2007 or later)
Sr Female Athlete of the Year (2006 or earlier)
Sr Male Athlete of the Year (2006 or earlier)
Team of the Year
Athletes must be Residents of the Town of Carbonear
Teams must represent Carbonear or be comprised of 50% of Town of Carbonear residents

Deadline for Submissions is Thurday, March 31, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.

Please return completed forms to Carbonear Swimming Pool
Fax: 596-2381
Email: [email protected]

Athlete of the Year Nomination Form


Did you know…
The first Mayor of Carbonear was Stephen Russell.
Mayor Russell was supported by councillors W.P Saunders, H.A Cameron, Jeremiah Thoms, E.L Powell, F.L Butt and P.J Murphy.
Term: September 20, 1948 to January 17, 1951.
The Town of Carbonear council chambers are named after Mayor Russell.

Congratulations to the Winter Carnival Business Passport winners!

Congratulations to the Winter Carnival Business Passport winners from our random draw:
Mary Doran
Janice Farrell
Enjoy and we look forward to everyone participating in the Come Home Year Business Passport contest starting in May!

UPDATE: Repair complete. Water services returned.

Emergency repair work is being completed.
There will be a water shut off that will affect households and businesses from Water Street (in area of Noel’s
Funeral Home) to Burnt Head Road.

Updates will be provided as available.



The Town of Carbonear join Lymphedema Association of NL & Labrador in supporting World Lymphedema Day and Lymphedema Awareness month!

The Town of Carbonear join Lymphedema Association of NL & Labrador in supporting World Lymphedema Day and Lymphedema Awareness month.

Let’s Talk Trash Thursday! (The scoop on dog poop!)

Let’s Talk Trash Thursday!
This week we share the scoop on dog poop!
While out enjoying a walk around our town, please ensure you pick up after your pets.
Stoop & scoop! 🐕

Presentation of plaque honoring Ernest A. Cole, the first Recreation Director for the Town of Carbonear

This morning, Rex Cotter, presented a plaque honoring the Ernest A. Cole, the first Recreation Director for the Town of Carbonear.
Mr. Cotter presented the plaque to Mayor Frank Butt at the Carbonear Swimming Pool on behalf of Mrs. Audrey Cole, Rex Cotter and Fred Saunders.
Text is included below:
Ernest A. Cole was born in Carbonear in 1939. After high school graduation in 1956 he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force where he met Audrey Purschke, a native of Western Canada.
When their terms in the military were up in 1960 he and Audrey returned to his home town of Carbonear where they married and raised three children, Roger, Joanne and Scott.
Because of his electronics training in the RCAF, Ern decided to open a Television Repair Business. During his spare time he got involved with the youth of Carbonear and became an Officer in 589 Carbonear Air Cadet Squadron and helped to organize, supervise, coach and manage sports teams and sports activities and arrange tournaments in other communities in Newfoundland and mainland Canada.
In 1964 the Carbonear Boys Club was formed through the sponsorship of the local Kiwanis Club and the financial support and hard work of several local citizens of the Town. The Club was located in the abandoned Glove Factory in the west end. Because Ern had developed such a strong and respected reputation with the youth of Carbonear the Kiwanis Club called on him to run the Club. Ern welcoming the opportunity and took the position as a volunteer as he was still operating his TV repair business.
With the help of funding by the Town of Carbonear and the Provincial Government the Carbonear Recreation Commission was formed. Ern was appointed as its first Recreation Director and was able to expand service to the youth of the Town through the facilities provided by the Town and by the Boys Club. Ern continued in that position until 1968.
Beginning in 1968 Ern spent several years teaching at Davis Elementary as a Phys-Ed Instructor and worked part time with Continuing Studies of the Department of Education of Memorial University. He went on to continue his formal education eventually receiving his Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education degrees from MUN and Master of Science degree in Adult Education from the Florida State University. He continued working with Memorial as their full time Continuing Studies Representative in Grand Falls Windsor and later in St. John’s becoming Associate Director of the Department.

The Town of Carbonear proclaims 2022 the Year of the Garden

At the February 22, 2022 Regular Meeting, the Town of Carbonear proclaimed 2022 the Year of the Garden.
The Year of the Garden 2022, a Centennial Celebration of Canada’s horticulture sector from January 1 to December 31, 2022, will commemorate Canada’s rich garden heritage, celebrate today’s vibrant garden culture, and create important legacies for a sustainable future.

Town of Carbonear Council statement on support of Ukraine

Many Carbonear residents have been watching the unfolding of the unprovoked attacks on the Ukrainian people.   Through technology and social media we are all connected regardless of geography, the inexcusable acts of violence and the displacement of millions of people have been horrifying to witness. Our thoughts and support are with the people of Ukraine.  As a symbol of this support, we have displayed their flag during our meeting this evening.

Additionally, the Town of Carbonear Council, staff, and residents will show their support with the raising of the Ukrainian flag at the Pergola green space flag pole.


PUBLIC NOTICE Discretionary Use


Discretionary Use                                                                

The Town of Carbonear is in receipt of an application to renovate and change the use of an existing building at 56-58 Lemarchant Street, to a 55 plus, 4-unit apartment building.   This application is being considered as a discretionary use in a Residential Medium Density Zone. For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].

Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town of Carbonear no later than 4:00 pm on Thursday, March 24, 2022 to: Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Carbonear, P. O. Box 999, Carbonear, NL      A1Y 1C5; Fax: 596-5021, or E-mail: [email protected].


Discretionary Use Notice 56-58 Lemarchant Street

PUBLIC NOTICE Discretionary Development Proposal


Discretionary Development Proposal                                                                  

The Town is in receipt of an application to construct a garage at 117 Forest Road. This will result in a total floor area of all accessory buildings on the lot measuring 83.2 m2. The maximum floor area is 81m2 for a single storey accessory building. Council has the discretion to approve a total floor area greater than the maximum, provided the lot size is greater than 1400m2 and the total lot coverage does not exceed 7% of the lot size. For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].

Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town no later than 4:00pm on Thursday, March 24, 2022.

Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear P. O. Box 999, Carbonear, NL      A1Y 1C5
Tel:  596-3831       Fax: 596-5021 E-mail: [email protected]

Discretionary Development 117 Forest Road

Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting – Tuesday, March 08, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.

The Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting will take place today, Tuesday, March 8, 2022, at 5:30 p.m.

The meeting will be live streamed on the Town of Carbonear YouTube Channel

Due to current public health guidelines, seats are limited to attend the meeting in person. First come, first seated.

Happy International Women’s Day

The Town of Carbonear Council celebrate the contributions and achievements of women not only today but every single day.
International Women’s Day is an opportunity for each of us to celebrate women and to reflect on each of our roles in ensuring we actively move toward a world that is inclusive and equitable.
This evening we hope to gather together at the Town Hall at 6:45 p.m. to celebrate with an International Women’s Day Walk. Weather permitting.

Let’s Talk Trash Thursday!

Gender Bias: Types and Tools to change it for International Women’s Day!

Join us on March 7th from 11am-12pm for a session with Brenda Kelleher-Flight from GDP Consulting talking about Gender Bias: Types and Tools to change it for International Women’s Day!🌸

Town of Carboenar Winter Carnival starts today! Shop local! Winter Carnival Business Passport card!

Town of Carbonear Winter Carnival starts today!
Shop Local!
Drop in to any of the participating businesses to pick up a Town of Carbonear Winter Carnival Business Passport card. Every time you purchase from one of the participating businesses, they’ll mark off a circle for you (on the reverse side of the card).
Fill out the complete card by shopping local at participating businesses from today until Tuesday, March 08, 2022 and drop off at the Town Hall for your name to be entered into a prize draw! Draw will take place on Thursday, March 10, 2022.
List of businesses participating continues to be updated:
Busy Hands Arts and Crafts 227-229 Water Street
Butt’s Esso & Convenience 240 Water Street
Dominion TC Square
Haven Spa and Wellness 191 Water Street
Kidz at Heart Learning Centre Inc. 58 Highroad South
Magic Cuts 133 Water Street
My Place Restaurant TC Square
Powell’s Supermarket 248 – 250 Water Street
Red Circle 126 Water Street
Saved by a Spell 150 Water Street
Studio Boutique 195 Water Street
TC Lotto Booth TC Square
Telus TC Square
The Painted Mango 210 Water Street
The Stone Jug 232 Water Street
Yoga with Jen- Livin a Balanced Life – 195 Water Street

“If I was Mayor for a Day” Essay Contest

Thank you for your interest in the “If I were Mayor for a Day” Essay Contest!

The Town of Carbonear invites all Grade 4 to 8 students at Carbonear Academy to enter the “If I were Mayor for a Day” essay contest. Essay length should be one (1) to three (3) paragraphs.

Rules and Regulations can be found here: If I were Mayor for a Day Essay Contest Rules and Regulations 2022

Be sworn in as Mayor for the Day

A Tour with the Mayor of Municipal Facilities

Ceremonially calling the March 22, 2022 Town of Carbonear Council Meeting to order

Have their essay displayed on the Town of Carbonear website, social media and in the Town Hall.

To participate in the Mayor for a Day Essay Contest, individuals must:

  • Be a Grade 4 to 8 student who attends Carbonear Academy.
  • Have completed the essay on their own.
  • Submit entries by email or essays can be mailed or dropped off to the Town OfficeoSubmit entries by emailing or essays can be mailed or dropped off to thce
    c/o Mayor for a Day Essay Contest 2022
    O Box 999
    256 Water Street, Carbonear, NL  A1Y 1C5
    Include name, phone, and (if applicable) email address.
  • Essays must be submitted by Monday, March 07, 2022. (4:30 p.m.)

Let’s Talk Trash Thursday Week 3!

February 23, 2022 Random Acts of Kindness suggestion: Stand up to bullying today and every day”

February 23, 2022
Random Acts of Kindness suggestion
On our calendar of Random Acts of Kindness suggestion, we had indicated the Random Acts of Kindness for today “Donate anonymously to a charity or non-profit”.
However, today is Pink Shirt Day!
Today our diversity is becoming more visible than ever as people continue to embrace their cultures, identities, and true selves in more open and direct ways; making the need to Lift Each Other Up and have greater acceptance, respect, and inclusion for everyone so important.
Reflecting this important day, our Random Acts of Kindness suggestion for today is now:
“Stand up to bullying today and every day”

Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting today Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.

The Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting will take place today, Tuesday, February 22, 2022, at 5:30 p.m.
The meeting will be live streamed on the Town of Carbonear YouTube Channel
Due to current public health guidelines, seats are limited to attend the meeting in person. First come, first seated.

Notice: Water shut off affecting households on Lemarchant Street from Bond Street to Burdens Hill

Crews are repairing a water main break on Lemarchant Street.
Water shut off will affect households on Lemarchant Road between Bond Street and Burdens Hill. (Rusted Place, Osmonds Lane and Burdens Hill will also be affected)
Updates will be provided as they become available.

 Please reduce speed and watch for crew working in this area  


Congratulations Feed a Bird Day giveaway winners!

Congratulations to Amanda Brady & Louise Green!

Their names were chosen for the Feed a Bird Day giveaway!