Community Organizations

The Town of Carbonear is an active community where people join organizations, clubs, and other activities according to their ages and interests.
Air Cadets

163 Water Street
Carbonear NL A1A 5A1
The 589 Carbonear, Air Cadet Squadron was formed on June 24, 1954.
The Squadron is organized into three distinct Units consisting of the Flight, the Honour Guard/Flag Party, and the Squadron Band, each playing an important role within the Squadron’s structure. Each Unit is under the command of a senior cadet, also referred to as a Parade Position; a Flight Commander oversees the Flight, the Colour Party Commander commands the Honour Guard/Flag Party, and the Band is under the command of the Band Major. Three of these commanders report to the Squadron Commander who is directly in charge of all cadets.
Carbonear Lions Club
Lions are an international network of 1.3 million men and women in 205 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world.
Girl Guides of Canada
Kiwanis Club of Carbonear
Kiwanis Club on Facebook »
The Kiwanis Club is a very active community organization, sponsoring many events including the Kiwanis Music Festival for young people from all over the Baccalieu Trail. The Carbonear Kiwanis Music Festival began in 1970 and continues every March. .
Knights of Columbus (Monsignor McCarthy Council #5902)
Knights of Columbus
18 Adelaide Street
Carbonear NL A1Y 1A7
Telephone: 709-596-5301
Fax: 709-596-2022
Facebook: Knights of Columbus Carbonear »
The Knights of Columbus is an active organization, sponsoring community dinners and dances and other events, including the Celtic Roots Festival . The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works.
Masonic Lodge #1043
3 Masonic Ave
Carbonear, NL A1Y 1A9
Telephone (709) 596-5433
Masonic Lodge #1043 was chartered in 1908.
O’Shaughnessy House
PO Box 497 Carbonear, NL A1Y 1B9
Local Crisis Line: 596-8709
Toll Free Crisis Line: 1-888-596-8709
Business Line: 709-596-8208
The home is named for Sister Magdalene O’Shaughnessy who sent the first Presentation Sisters to open a convent in Carbonear. Sister Magdalene O’Shaughnessey’s spirit of commitment and service to those in need, and her strength as a woman, will continue to inspire and bless all those who will work and seek shelter at O’Shaugnessey House.
O’Shaughnessy House, a safe and secure transition house for women and children escaping violence, was officially opened in Carbonear, NL on September 24, 2010. It is a 15 bed transition house that will provide 24 hour emergency accommodation and a crisis telephone line, crisis intervention and prevention, food, shelter and referrals to appropriate services such as housing, income support, employment and legal services.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch #23
Royal Canadian Legion (Branch 23)
2 Bannerman Street
Carbonear, NL A1Y 1B9
Telephone: 709-596-3691
Carbonear Legion on Facebook »
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #23 is dedicated to the care of Canada’s veterans and the perpetuation of Remembrance. Branch 23 has been an active organization serving the Conception Bay communities from Carbonear to Bay De Verde and with the closure of Branch 6 New Perlican, the area extended down the Trinity Bay coast to Heart’s Content and back to Carbonear. The Branch has been instrumental in ensuring that all Memorial Parades are conducted in a dignified and professional manner. The Branch supports the youth of the area and is the sponsor for the Carbonear 589 Air Cadets Squadron.
St. Patrick’s Organic Community Garden
St Clare Avenue
Carbonear, NL A1Y 1A7
St. Patrick’s Organic Community Garden on Facebook »
St. Patrick’s Organic Community Garden opened in May 2012. The garden has been created in an effort to help local sustainable food sources, as well as offer educational opportunities to the greater community.
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
St Clare Avenue
Carbonear, NL A1Y 1A7
Telephone: (709) 596-5945
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul provides a food bank and offers other items for families in need. The fish is the symbol of Christianity and, in this case, represents the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. The eye of the fish is the vigilant eye of God seeking to help the poor in our midst. The crossing at the tail or the tie-knot represents unity and oneness among members and also the union with the poor. The circle bounding the logo signifies the global or worldwide stature of the SSVP, an international Society.
Trinity Conception Family Resource Centre
9 Newfoundland Dr.
Carbonear, NL, A1Y 1A4
Telephone:: 709 596 0712
Toll Free: 1 866 596 0712
Email: [email protected]
Trinity Conception Family Resource Centre on Facebook
The Mission of Trinity Conception Family Resource Centre is to respond to the community’s needs with regard to overall development of children and their families.
Trinity Conception Placentia Health Foundation
The Purpose of the Trinity Conception Placentia Health Foundation is to assist Eastern Health in providing the citizens of the area with the best possible medical and hospital care. The Foundation achieves this objective by funding modern patient-care facilities and equipment.
Its Board of Directors include involved members, representatives of the community, working in close cooperation with medical and administrative staff.
Trinity Conception Placentia Health Foundation
Trinity Conception Shrine Club

Shriners International, also commonly known as The Shriners, is a society established in 1870. The Trinity Conception Shrine Club meets each month at the Masonic Lodge.
3A Masonic Avenue, Carbonear, NL
For more information, visit their facebook page: Trinity Conception Shrine Club