Planning & Development
Carbonear has two distinct retail and shopping areas. The Waterfront Heritage District, with its own distinct history, is similar to the “Main Street” of many communities, with its shops, stores, and other services. In many places only the frontages of buildings are commercially developed –
apartments or other residential arrangements are often located above or to the rear of the commercial activities. A small shopping centre is located at the west end of the street.
The second major commercial area is the West End Commercial District. This district features the Trinity-Conception Square Mall and the surrounding land located on the Conception Bay Highway. The area has many retail outlets and fast food franchises. A number of other commercial establishments, including automotive, strip malls, lounge, motel and restaurant, and other retail outlets have found it advantageous
to similarly locate along the highway..
Carbonear Municipal Plan with Amendments
Accessibility Plan Carbonear 2024
Carbonear Downtown Revitalization Final Report
Carbonear 2004 Dev Reg + Amds wpd
Carbonear 2004 Municipal Plan + Amds
Carbonear 2004 Schedule B + Amds
Carbonear 2004 Schedule C + Amendments
Minister’s 2001 Development Regulations
Residential Development:
The Town of Carbonear’s objectives are:
- To promote a safe and serviced residential environment by controlling the classes of land use and characteristics of development permitted within residential areas.
- To designate land for residential use and promote its further development in a manner designed to make efficient use of municipal services.
- To ensure that residential development takes place in a manner that does not prejudice access to and appropriate development of neighbouring land.The Town of Carbonear currently has three residential land use zones:
Residential Medium Density
Residential Low Density
Residential RuralIMPORTANT – You are advised to ensure that development approval is obtained prior to purchasing property.
The following pdf link is designed to provide you with basic information required for constructing a residential dwelling.
Residential Development Process 2018
Water Resources Act: Section 48 Province of Newfoundland and Labrador:
A summary of what the Water Resources Act, Section 48 covers follow;.
Any work in or within fifteen (15) metres of a body of water requires a permit to be issued by the Department, and that no work may begin until the permit is issued. All permit applications must be made using the proper forms. The decision on whether or not to approve a permit is based on:
1. The information submitted in the application.
2. Potential adverse effects of the work on present and future water and water use,
3. The purpose, benefits, and effectiveness of the work,
4. The location of the work, and
5. Whether the work violates any government policies.
The following information must accompany the application:
• Application for Permit to Alter a Body of Water
• Schedules ‘A’ to ‘J’ (as appropriate to work type).
• Location map (1:50,000 scale), Google Earth Image, and/or UTM or Decimal Degree coordinates indicating location of the proposed work.
• Proof of Land Ownership (e.g. legal survey, Crown Lands Approval, other)
• Municipal Approval: for proposed work that is within a municipal boundary, written confirmation is required indicating that the proposed work conforms with municipal zoning and that the work has been approved, approved conditionally, or that there are no objections to the proposed work before WRMD will issue a permit.
• Groundwater Requirements: for persons/companies/consultants developing un-serviced residential developments of more than 4 lots, written confirmation is required indicating that the undertaking has met all groundwater requirements before WRMD will issue a permit.
• Photos of the Site prior to work being undertaken.
Upon review of your submitted documentation an application fee payment will be requested based on the type of work to be completed.
The Department will issue a notification in writing if a permit application is declined. Any work that is done without a permit may be subject to an investigation by the Department. The Department may deem it necessary that such unauthorized work be altered, removed, or added to, at the owner’s expense.
If you have any questions or require clarification please do not hesitate to contact the Department for assistance at (709) 729-1646 or [email protected].