The Town of Carbonear Council meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from September until June.  July and August meetings are at the call of the Chair (Mayor)

Information on Standing Committees can be found below as well.

All regular and special meetings of a town council and all meetings of a town council committee shall be open to the public except in circumstances where the following will be discussed, the meeting will be closed to the public:


  1. Information of which the confidentiality is protected by law;
  2. Personal information that is protected under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015;
  3. Information that could cause financial loss or gain to a person or the town, or could jeopardize negotiations leading to an agreement or contract;
  4. The proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land;
  5. Information that could violate the confidentiality of information obtained from the Government of Canada or the government of a province or territory;
  6. Information concerning legal opinions or advice provided to the town council by its lawyer or privileged communications between lawyer and client in a matter of town business;
  7. Litigation or potential litigation affecting the town or a municipal service delivery corporation or a matter before a board, commission or tribunal that affects the town or a municipal deliver corporation;
  8. The access to or security of buildings and other structures occupied or used by the town or access to or security of systems of the town, including computer or communication systems;
  9. Information gathered by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Royal Newfoundland Constabulary, in the course of investigating any illegal activity or suspected illegal activity, or the source of that information; or
  10. Labour and employment matters, including the negotiation of collective agreements.


The Town of Carbonear Council:

Standing Committees and their terms of reference are very important to the timely moving of initiatives and operation of the Town.  A Standing Committee is a consultative body that provides direction on policy development and provides recommendations for Council’s consideration.  The decisions of all committees are subject to approval by Council.

Standing Committees:

Economic Development, Planning and Land Use Development  (Meeting Time: 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month except for July and August)
Chair: Councillor Danielle Doyle
Member: Councillor Peter Snow
Member: Councillor Chris O’Grady

Public Works, Waste Management and Community Services (Meeting Time: 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month except for July and August)
Chair: Deputy Mayor Sam Slade
Member: Councillor Malcolm Seymour
Member: Councillor Ray Noel

Recreation, Special Events, Culture and Tourism (Meeting Time: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month except for July and August)
Chair: Councillor Malcolm Seymour
Member: Councillor Ray Noel
Member: Deputy Mayor Sam Slade

Administration and Finance  (Meeting Time: 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month except for July and August )
Chair: Councillor Chris O’Grady
Member: Councillor Peter Snow
Member: Danielle Doyle

External Liaison Committees:

Carbonear Harbour Authority: Councillor Ray Noel
Carbonear Heritage Society: Deputy Mayor Sam Slade
Carbonear Recreation Commission: Councillor Danielle Doyle
Carbonear Special Events Committee: Councillor Danielle Doyle
Conception Bay North Joint Council: Mayor Frank Butt and Councillor Chris O’Grady
Princess Sheila NaGeira Theatre Board: Councillor Chris O’Grady
Urban Municipalities Committee of MNL: Mayor Frank Butt (Alternate: Deputy Mayor Sam Slade)