Public Notice: Discretionary Use Line Road
Town of Carbonear Public Notice Line Road
The Town of Carbonear is in receipt of an application to use a parcel of land in the Line Road for an agricultural operation including hay fields and farming of vegetables. The approximate location of the operation is proposed between 47° 43′ 21″ N, 53°, 17′ 47″ and 47°43′ 21″ N, 53° 17′ 31″ W on the Line Road. An agricultural operation in the Watershed Area is a discretionary use. Anyone with objections or representation must submit them in writing no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 6, 2023:
Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer,
Town of Carbonear
P.O Box 999, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5;
Fax: 596-5021
or Email: [email protected]