
The Town of Carbonear proclaims the week of September 17, 2023 to September 23, 2023 as Legion Week in Carbonear.
Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting Agenda- Tuesday, September 12, 2023
There’s something here for everyone…..
There’s something here for everyone
With shops, schools and modern health facilities we have everything you need
For those who have been here for a while, those discovering new perspectives, and those just joining in.
Around here we all wear a little local pride on our sleeves
And everyone has a cheering section….
Welcome Greg Squires! Our new Municipal Enforcement Officer
Thank you!
NOTICE: For the information of the public, the Town has NOT issued a boil water advisory
Notice: Fraizes Road closed to thru traffic while town crew complete work
Town crew will be completing work on Fraizes Avenue today.
While this work is being completed, traffic control will be in place. Fraizes Avenue will be closed to thru traffic.
Please reduce speed in the area and obey signage and
Canadian Blood Services Blood Donor Clinic on Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Travelling Orthopaedics Program Expansion to increase access to surgeries
Welcome back students, administration, faculty and support staff to the new school year!
Waste Collection Notice for Discovery Place, Scarlett Ridge, O’Driscoll’s Lane, Willoughby Drive, D’Iberville Street, and Southside Lower Road east of O’Driscoll’s Lane
There will be a scheduled water shut off on Thursday, September 7, 2023 in the Town of Carbonear
There will be a scheduled water shut off on Thursday, September 7, 2023 in the Town of Carbonear.
The shut off will begin at 8:00 am.
This shut off will affect all of the Town of Carbonear.
Updates will be provided when available on the Town of Carbonear Facebook page.
Traffic control will be in place on Valley Road while the contractor completes the scheduled work. Please reduce speed in the area and obey signage and flagspersons.
Due to the scheduled water shut off for tomorrow, Thursday, September 7th, 2023 Adult Lane and Water in Motion will be cancelled at the Carbonear Pool.
Scheduled water shut off on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 beginning at 12 noon.
There will be a scheduled water shut off on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 in the Town of Carbonear.
The shut off will begin at 12 noon.
This shut off will affect all of the Town of Carbonear.
Update will be provided at 4:00 p.m. on the Town of Carbonear Facebook page.
Traffic detours will be in place while crew complete scheduled maintenance. Please reduce speed in the area and obey signage and flagspersons.
Updates will be provided when available.
Congratulations and Good Luck!
Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting Agenda Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting Agenda August 15, 2023
Flags at half mast at the Town of Carbonear
Honorary fire fighter, Mr. John D. Legrow passed peacefully away surrounded by his family at the Private Josiah Squibb Memorial Pavilion, Carbonear on Sunday, July 30, 2023. Mr. LeGrow was 78 years old.
The family will be receiving relatives and friends at Slade’s Funeral Home, Powell Drive, Carbonear on Tuesday: 5-9 P.M. and Wednesday: 9:30-10:30 A.M. In lieu of flowers, as expressions of sympathy donations may be made in his loving memory to St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank.
The Funeral Service will be held on Wednesday, August 2, 2023 at 11 A.M. from the Edward Slade Memorial Chapel, Carbonear. Interment will follow at the Interfaith Cemetery, Carbonear.
Carbonear Days Weekend Schedule August 4 to 7th 2023
August Swimming Registration
Message from the Mayor and Council
On Thursday morning of last week, our Community was hit with a public safety alert, affecting our Recreation Staff and the children of the Summer Program under their care. As this was an unprecedented event for us, I and all of Council, would like to Thank staff for their quick and professional response on ensuring the safety of all those affected.
Our recreation facilities are one of the main focal points in our Community and a very busy location. The way our staff handled the situation on Thursday morning, assisting local authorities, clearing the area and locking down facilities was second to none. We, as a council, are truly grateful for your efforts and commend you on a job well done.
Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.
Carbonear Plan Review “What We Heard” Report

75 years of Incorporation!
NOTICE: Water services have been returned for the following areas:
NOTICE: Water services have been returned for the following areas:
Water services have been returned for the following areas:
- Goff Avenue and Powell Drive
- Water Street from Bannerman Street and Musgrave Street.
Thank you for your patience.
NOTICE: Unscheduled water shut off for Water Street affecting households and businesses from Bannerman Street to Musgrave Street
Downtown Revitalization Phase II Contractor is currently completing emergency repairs to the water main on Water Street. Households and businesses along Water Street are affected and will experience no water services from Bannerman Street to Musgrave Street.
Updates will be provided when available.

Congratulations and thank you Cathy!

NOTICE: Emergency water main repair in progress affecting businesses and households on Powell Drive and Goff Avenue
Emergency water main repair in progress affecting businesses and
households on Powell Drive and Goff Avenue
Town crew are currently on site completing emergency repairs to a water main leak on Goff Avenue. Residents and businesses will notice water services interruptions (shut off).
The shut off will affect businesses and households on Powell Drive and Goff Avenue.
Traffic detours will be in place while crew complete repairs. Please reduce speed in the area and obey signage and flagspersons.
Updates will be provided when available.

Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting Agenda – Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Public Notice: Discretionary Use Line Road
Town of Carbonear Public Notice Line Road
The Town of Carbonear is in receipt of an application to use a parcel of land in the Line Road for an agricultural operation including hay fields and farming of vegetables. The approximate location of the operation is proposed between 47° 43′ 21″ N, 53°, 17′ 47″ and 47°43′ 21″ N, 53° 17′ 31″ W on the Line Road. An agricultural operation in the Watershed Area is a discretionary use. Anyone with objections or representation must submit them in writing no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 6, 2023:
Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer,
Town of Carbonear
P.O Box 999, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5;
Fax: 596-5021
or Email: [email protected]
Public Notice: Discretionary Use 66 Columbus Drive
Town of Carbonear Public Notice 66 Columbus Drive
The Town of Carbonear is in receipt of an application to operate a used car sales from 66 Columbus Drive. This application is being considered as a discretionary use in a Commercial Highway Zone. Anyone with objections or representations must submit them in writing, including your name and address, no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 6, 2023 to:
Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer,
Town of Carbonear
P.O Box 999, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5;
Fax: 596-5021
or Email: [email protected]
Public Notice: Discretionary Use 27 Goff Avenue
Town of Carbonear Public Notice 27 Golf Avenue
The Town of Carbonear is in receipt of an application to operate an office space for a home care agency from 27 Goff Avenue. This application is being considered as a discretionary use in an Industrial Light (IL) zone. Anyone with objections or representations must submit them in writing, including your name and address, no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 6, 2023 to:
Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer,
Town of Carbonear
P.O Box 999, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5;
Fax: 596-5021
or Email: [email protected]
World Cup of Tiddly – Registration now open!

“Rockin’ Da Garden” at Paddy’s Garden on August 26th!

Canada Day activities at Paddy’s Garden!
Town of Carbonear Canada Day Activities!

12th Annual Pride Flag Raising celebration!
6 week drama program happening at the Princess Sheila NaGeira theatre this summer!

Summer Swim Club

Town of Carbonear Strategic Plan

What’s happening in Carbonear this week?
Anne Whelan and Voces Laetae Present: Singing into Spring at Princess Sheila NaGeira Theatre Friday, June 16, 2023
Anne Whelan and Voces Laetae Present: Singing into Spring
So much talent will be on the stage this Friday night!!
Grab some tickets before they are gone.
Call (709)596-7529

Randy’s Run Saturday, June 17, 2023 at 9 a.m.
Randy’s Run will take place this Saturday, June 17th at 9am.
Starts at Carbonear Collegiate and ends at Carbonear Collegiate. 5km route…You can run, walk, bike, and bring the whole family!
Donation Suggestion: $20 per person or $40 per family!
This run pays tribute to an amazing husband, father, teacher and coach and funds a scholarship in his honour!
Carbonear Volunteer Fire Department Annual Father’s Day Car Wash Saturday, June 17 starting at 10 a.m.
This Saturday, June 17th the Carbonear Volunteer Fire Department will be holding our annual Father’s Day Car Wash. The Carwash will be on the back parking lot of the TC Square, Carbonear. Come out and support the Carbonear Volunteer Fire Department. The Carwash will be at 10:00 A.M. weather permitting.
Annual Father’s Day Car Show, sponsored by the CBN Legendary Car Club at Lanes Carbonear Sunday, June 18 at 2 p.m.
Sunday June 18th @ 2pm, we are having our annual Father’s Day Car Show, sponsored by The CBN Legendary Car Club!!!
What better way to enjoy the day with Dad, than to get out and see all the fabulous cars of yesterday and today!!
Knights of Columbus Father’s Day Steak and Lobster Supper Sunday, June 18, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
Celebrate Father’s Day with the Knights of Columbus and enjoy steak & Lobster Supper with Baked Potato and Salad
5:00 p.m. Sunday, June 18, 2023
Tickets are limited. Call 596-5301 (Tickets are $25)
Live Entertainment:
Coldwater Foods & Cafe:
218 Water Street
Saturday, June 17, 2023 7-10 p.m.
Route 66 Diner and Pub:
180 Water Street
Friday, June 16, 2023
Terry Power Music

Saturday, June 17, 2023
Jam Session 3 til 5
Rex Stone
Kitchen open til 9 both nights
Reserve your seat by calling 596-8300
The Stone Jug
232 Water Street
Friday, June16, 2023
Eldin & Friends Live at the Stone Jug @ 7pm
Saturday, June 3, 2023
Paul Drover live at The Stone Jug at 7 p.m.
Carbonear Legion
Saturday, June 17, 2023 at 9 p.m.
Seminole Wind featuring Jamie Rowe, Josh Rowe and Claude Button
Next Week:
Town of Carbonear Strategic Plan Release – Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Join us on Tuesday, June 20th at 6:30 p.m. for the Strategic Plan Release. The event will take place in the multi-purpose room at 256 Water Street.
Stop in and learn more about the plan which sets the strategic direction and priorities for our Town. The strategic plan presented will not only guide the decisions of the elected officials on Council, it is also a commitment to our community that we hear you and are responding to what our community needs, today and into the future.
12th Annual Pride Flag Raising in partnership with Communities Against Violence Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 12:00 p.m.
12th Annual Pride Flag Raising
Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 12:00 p.m.
Event will take place at the Pergola Park Community Flag Pole. If inclement weather, event will take place in the lobby at 256 Water Street.
Everyone Welcome!
Schools Out for Summer Pool Party Bash- Friday, June 23, 2023 5-7 p.m.
Schools Out for Summer Pool Party Bash- Friday, June 23, 2023 5-7 p.m.
Registration is now live for the Schools Out For Summer party!!
(Under Special Events- Youth)…/courses/index.asp
Metals Collection will resume Friday, June 16, 2023 (for May collection)

Town of Carbonear Special Council Meeting today, Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 3:30 p.m.
The Town of Carbonear Special Council Meeting is Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 3:30 p.m.
The meeting will be live streamed on the Town of Carbonear YouTube Channel

Sale of Land located at 162 Water Street
Sale of Land
TAKE NOTICE that tenders are being invited for a parcel of land located at civic 162 Water Street. This area is zoned Heritage Area. Information on uses in this zone and a description of the building lot is available at the Council Office during office hours.
Sealed tenders will be received at the Town Office up until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 29, 2023. If multiple bids are received for the same amount, a draw will be conducted to determine the successful bidder. Tenders will be opened at tender closing.
Please note that land sold by the Town of Carbonear is subject to the placement of a building on the property within a two (2) year period. Consideration of any bid will be in accordance with Section 201.2 of the Municipalities Act, 1999.
Bids are to be submitted on the form provided and placed in a sealed envelope and marked as identified in the Tender Instructions. Please contact the Town Office for a copy of the tender instructions and development standards in this zone.
For further information regarding this sale or for development information pertaining to this land, please contact the following during regular office hours:
Ms. Cynthia A. Davis
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear
P.O. Box 999, 256 Water Street
Carbonear, NLA1Y 1C5
Tel: 709-596-3831
Fax: 709-596-5021
Email: [email protected]
The Carbonear Town Council does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender.
162 Water Street Land Sale Jun 5-23
Tender Information 162 Water Street
Tristan and Cameron Jenkins film, “Dance Chose Me” has been selected as a finalist in the Atlantic Canada Youth FIN Film Festival
NOTICE: Repair of water main leak on Valleyview Heights in progress
Town crew are currently working to repair a water main leak on Valleyview Heights.
Due to the repair work, there may be interruptions in the water services. Further updates will be provided.
Traffic detours will be in place. Please reduce speed and watch for flagpersons at site.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Town of Carbonear Strategic Plan Release – Tuesday, June 20, 2023
UPDATE: Water services are now returning.
Water services are now returning.
Please Note:
Households on high elevations will experience return of water service slower than other households.
Thank you for your patience.
Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting Agenda for Tuesday, June 13, 2023 can be found here: 1. Regular Agenda June 13
NOTICE: Planned Water Shut Off on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 beginning at 9 a.m.
Town crew will be completing repairs tomorrow, Wednesday, June 14, 2023.
There will be a planned Water Shut Off beginning at 9 a.m. in the following area:
East of Oates Place and Crowdy Street
(this includes northwards to English Hill and
East of Musgrave Street along Water Street to Burnt Head Road and northwards to Wexford Road
Update will be provided at noon.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
NOTICE: Water Shut Off and Traffic Detour on Water Street
UPDATE: Work has been completed.
Town crew are working to repair a leak on Water Street.
Water service will be shut off in the area of Water Street from Quarters Lane to Noel’s Funeral Home until further notice.
Traffic will be detoured via Captain Franks Lane and Joe Taylors Lane
We apologize for the inconvenience.
NOTICE: WATER SHUT OFF on Water Street from Church Street to Captain Frank’s Lane
Town crew are currently working to repair a water main leak on Water Street.
There will be a water shut off on Water Street from Church Street to Captain Frank’s Lane while repairs are completed.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Updates will be provided when available.
- Click to enlarge
Are you interested in helping girls in your community? Girl Guides Carbonear is looking for volunteers for the upcoming year!

Lots happening in Carbonear this weekend! June 2 to 4th!

The Carbonear Recreation Commission hosted their Annual Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, May 24th, celebrating the achievements of athletes and volunteers of 2022. Congrats to all Award Winners!!!
- Junior Female Athlete of the Year Jasmine Wheadon
- Junior Male Athlete of the Year – Adam Button
- Junior Team of the Year – Carbonear Academy Grade 8 Basketball Team

- Senior Female Athlete of the Year – Emily Underhay
- Senior Male Athlete of Year – Adrian Green

- Sports Hall of Fame Gina Blundon
- Volunteer of the Year- Berkley Lawrence

Town crew are investigating a water main leak.
Town crew are investigating a water main leak.
Water service interruptions including a water shut off may affect the following area:
Pondside Road from Cross Roads to Powell Drive, including French’s Road and Oates Lane. As well as Cross Roads from Pike’s Lane to Pondside Road.
Updates will be provided when available.

Town of Carbonear Regular Agenda – May 23, 2023
You’re welcome to join us! 1st of a series of promotional videos released today!
The Town of Carbonear is releasing a series of promotional videos throughout the summer and fall season.
The first of these videos was released today and can be found on our website, youtube page and social media accounts.
We will also be adding to these videos, with filming to take place later this summer and early fall.
Please share
Notice: Water Shut Off & Boil Water Advisory
Due to planned water system work, there will be a scheduled water shut off on Tuesday, May 23, 2023. The water shut off will begin at 8 a.m. with an
update at 12 noon.
Due to the water shut off, a Boil Water Advisory will be in place on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 until further notice.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Access to parking on Water Street Update
Beginning today the parking lot next to the Canada Post Office is accessible for parking via Bannerman Street and Water Street. Access to the parking lot via Water Street east is no longer available as the Downtown Revitalization Project Phase II contractors are now excavating and working further up Water Street East (towards Musgrave Street).
On street parking along Water Street is also available outside of the active construction zone.
Carbonear Pool facility is open for regular programming today
The Carbonear Pool facility is open today for regular programming.
Carbonear Pool facility will remain closed today, Wednesday, May 10th, 2023.
The Carbonear Pool will remain closed for the remainder of the day today, Wednesday, May 10, 2023.
Please note: Swimming lessons for today will not go ahead and will be credited on your accounts.
We apologize for any inconvenience
Happy Nurses Week!
NOTICE: Traffic Advisory and Water Service Interruption
NOTICE: Traffic Advisory and Water Service Interruption
The Adelaide Street Phase I Water, Sewer and Street Upgrading Project contractor is on site.
Traffic Advisory:
Detours will be in place beginning tomorrow, Wednesday, May 10, 2023. Flagpersons will be in the scope of work area directing traffic. Please follow signage and follow the instructions of the workers in the area.
Water Service Interruptions:
On Thursday, May 11, 2023 and Friday, May 12, 2023, the contractor will be completing work that may cause water service interruptions for households on Adelaide Street between Grassey Lane and Irishtown Road. The work will begin after 8 a.m. on Thursday, May 11, 2023.
Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, May 09, 2023 Agenda can be found here
NOTICE: Carbonear Pool facility closed until further notice. Update tomorrow at 12 p.m.
Lesson Registration for May/June session
This form is part of a rebrand of the summer concert which will set the name of the summer concert going forward.
Call for Community Garden Bed Registration
Call for Community Garden Bed Registration!
The St. Patrick’s Organic Community Garden is opening Saturday, June 3, 2023 for this year’s growing season!
Cost per garden bed is $20 for the season. Previous garden bed owners will get first opportunity to keep their plot.…/st-patricks-organic-community…/
Carbonear Pool and Recreation Summer Camp information
Carbonear Pool Update: Universal/Family Change Room is now operational!
Universal/Family Change Room is now operational. Apologies for the delay and thank you for your patience as the renovations were completed.
Carbonear Pool Swimming Schedule – May 1st to June 30, 2023
The Carbonear Pool has added a Parent and Tot Swim on Wednesdays from 10:30am to 11:15am. This swim is designed for parents with young children (ages 5 and under) to enjoy a quieter swim and become more comfortable in and around the water.
Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, May 09, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.
The Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting is Tuesday, May 09, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.
The meeting will be live streamed on the Town of Carbonear YouTube Channel
Bulk Collection Schedule 2023
The Town of Carbonear hosted our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Reception last night.
Today is National Day of Mourning
Public Meeting to learn more about the Municipal Plan Review
Join us for one of the public meetings on May 2nd at the Civic Centre (256 Water Street, Carbonear) to learn more about the Municipal Plan Review for Town of Carbonear. There will be a presentation by the project team to provide residents with more information about the project, ask questions and provide their input into the future growth and development of the Town.
There are two convenient sessions to choose from:
Afternoon session from 2-4pm
Evening session from 6:30-8:30pm
We hope you can join us!
If you can’t make the meeting, but want to provide your feedback, take the public survey today by following the link:
We also want to hear directly form the business community! Take the business survey and share your experience:
Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting Agenda
The Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting – Tuesday, April 25, 2023 Agenda
Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting- Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.
The Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting is Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.
The meeting will be live streamed on the Town of Carbonear YouTube Channel

Discretionary Use: 21 Crowdy Street
A development application has been received to construct a 21-unit housing complex at 21 Crowdy Street. This is a discretionary use in a Residential Medium Density Zone.
For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or emailing [email protected].
Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town of Carbonear no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 4, 2023 by mail to
Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer,
Town of Carbonear
P.O Box 999, Carbonear, NL
A1Y 1C5,
Fax: 596-5021 or email: [email protected]
Discretionary Notice: 27 Bemister’s Hill
27 Bemister’s Hill Discretionary Notice
An application has been received by Council to construct a greenhouse which will result in total floor area of accessory buildings of 145.04 m2 at 27 Bemister’s Hill. The maximum floor area for a one storey accessory building is 81 m2. Council has the discretion to approve a greater floor area where the property has at least 1400 m2 of land that do not exceed a total lot coverage of 7%.
For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].
Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town of Carbonear no later than 4:00 pm on Thursday, May 4, 2023 by mail to
Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer,
Town of Carbonear,
- O. Box 999, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5; Fax: 596-5021, or
E-mail: [email protected].
Volunteer Appreciation Reception Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting Agenda February 28, 2023
Town of Carbonear Regular Council meeting is today, Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.
Notice: Detour for Water Street East
Notice: Detour for Water Street East
A portion of Water Street East will be closed this morning while Town crew work to clear snow and widen roads.
Detour will begin at 10 a.m.
Please reduce speed in the area and keep an eye out for workers in the area.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Special Weather Statement in effect: A prolonged period of very cold wind chills is expected.
Special Weather Statement in effect: A prolonged period of very cold wind chills is expected.
10:51 AM NST Friday 24 February 2023
Special weather statement in effect for:
- Avalon Peninsula North
A prolonged period of very cold wind chills is continues.
Coldest wind chills: -30 to -25.
Locations: Most of Newfoundland.
Time span: continuing into next week.
Remarks: An arctic airmass will cause overnight and early morning wind chills to approach warning criteria over the next several days, especially for inland areas where overnight lows are generally colder than along the coast.
At this time there is uncertainty on when the cold wind chills will moderate. However, they are likely to continue until at least Monday.
Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #NLwx.
Cold Weather Safety Tips
- Listen to the weather forecast. Check the Environment Canada weather forecast before going out.
- Reduce outdoor activities for the whole family, including pets.
- If heading outside, dress in several layers of loose-fitting, lightweight clothing instead of a single heavy layer. Outer garments should be tightly woven and water repellent.
- Wear a hat, mittens (not gloves or add over gloves), and sturdy waterproof boots to protect your arms, legs, hands and feet. Cover your mouth with a scarf to protect your lungs. Cover as much exposed skin as possible.
- Wear warm and waterproof footwear. Be careful of icy walkways!
- If possible, limit the time you spend outside.
- Know the symptoms of and watch out for cold-related illnesses. Call 9-1-1 to report emergencies.
Watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia.
A more severe condition where both the skin and the underlying tissue (fat, muscle, bone) are frozen. Skin appears white and waxy and is hard to the touch. People with frostbite will have no sensation in the area, only a numb or tingling.
A prolonged period of time can cause a drop in body temperature.
Shivering, confusion and loss of muscular control (e.g., difficulty walking) can occur.
Can be a life threatening condition where shivering stops or the person loses consciousness. Cardiac arrest may occur. - Follow recommended safety precautions when using space heaters, a fireplace, or a woodstove to heat your home. Keep a fire extinguisher handy.
- Make sure emergency generators or secondary heating systems are well ventilated.
- When the ground freezes and temperatures drop, some residents experience frozen water lines. Residents whose water service line is prone to freezing are reminded to run a small stream of water to prevent their water service lines from freezing.
- Be a good neighbor. Check on family, friends, and neighbors, especially the elderly, those who live alone, those with medical conditions, and those who may need extra help.
- If it is too cold for you to be out, remember it is too cold for pets to be outside as well. Cats and dogs should be kept inside during cold weather
To protect your privacy the Town of Carbonear has set strict controls in place. Your e-mail address will only be used to subscribe to this e-mail update and for no other purpose.
Information contained in Town of Carbonear e-updates is provided as a public service and solely for the user’s information. Information is provided without warranty or guarantee of any kind, express or implied. The Town of Carbonear cannot guarantee that all information is current or accurate. Users should verify information before acting on it.
Waste Collection Update from the Eastern Regional Service Board
Carbonear— Due to road conditions (roads not being plowed), collections that were scheduled for Feb. 22 could not be completed on the scheduled day. Some collections in this area were completed today, Thur., Feb. 23. Those streets that have not been collected will have waste collection on the next scheduled day, Mar. 1.
Snowshoes are now available for rent from the Carbonear Swimming Pool on Saturdays from 12:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m.
- Click to enlarge
Schedule changes for programming and events for today and this evening, February 22, 2023
Due to extended weather forecast, schedule changes for Carbonear Pool and Recreation
Painting with Michelle, Carbonear Minor Basketball, and Swimming Lessons will be cancelled for this evening
Painting with Michelle will be rescheduled for Tuesday February 28th at 6PM
Carbonear Minor Basketball will have an extra week added and end on March 22nd
Credits will go on file for next set of swimming lessons
For further updates, please check their Facebook page:
Carbonear Heritage Society “Heritage Night” cancelled this evening.
Due to poor weather and a poor weather forecast the Carbonear Heritage Society will be cancelling the HERTAGE NIGHT for tonight Feb 22,2023 at the Carbonear Civic Center.
The Carbonear Heritage Society hope to schedule it later in the year and will post the new date at a later time.
For further updates, please check their Facebook page:
Carbonear Volunteer Fire Department now accepting applications for new members!
Town of Carbonear Winter Carnival hosted by the Carbonear Special Events Committee
Random Acts of Kindness: February 2, 2023
Notice regarding Special Weather Statement issued and Frozen water lines
5:47 AM NST Thursday 02 February 2023
Tonight! Recreation Master Plan Community Forum
The Town of Carbonear is preparing a Recreation Master Plan to establish recreation priorities for the next ten years.
A significant component of this plan will include consultation with all residents to create a Master Plan that is financially viable, relevant, comprehensive, and inclusive for all members of the community.
Tract Consulting Inc., and the Town of Carbonear are hosting a Community Forum for residents to learn more about the Recreation Master Plan and provide input on local needs and priorities.
Please come & share your thoughts & ideas. All ages welcome
Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.
Recreation Master Plan Community Forum
The Town of Carbonear is preparing a Recreation Master Plan to establish recreation priorities for the next ten years.
A significant component of this plan will include consultation with all residents to create a Master Plan that is financially viable, relevant, comprehensive, and inclusive for all members of the community.
On February 01, 2023, Tract Consulting Inc., and the Town of Carbonear are hosting a Community Forum for residents to learn more about the Recreation Master Plan and provide input on local needs and priorities. The Forum will be held at the Princess Sheila NaGeria Theatre from 7:00-8:30 pm.
Please come and share your thoughts and ideas with us. All ages are welcome.
Notice from Princess Sheila NaGeira Theatre regarding cancellation of show this weekend due to impending storm.
International Women’s Day Community Session
Winter storm warning in effect:
Winter storm warning in effect for:
- Avalon Peninsula North
Heavy snowfall with blowing snow is expected.
Total snowfall: 15 to 30 cm.
Maximum wind gusts: northeasterly 70 km/h.
Locations: western Avalon Peninsula.
Time span: this evening until Sunday morning.
Remarks: Snow will develop this evening, with strengthening northeasterly winds. Snowfall rates are expected to ease for a period during the morning on Saturday, and then become heavy, at times, during the afternoon and evening. Accumulations will be variable, with the highest totals occurring over elevated terrain.
Conditions are expected to improve by Sunday morning.
Consider postponing non-essential travel until conditions improve. Surfaces such as highways, roads, walkways and parking lots may become difficult to navigate due to accumulating snow.
Winter storm warnings are issued when multiple types of severe winter weather are expected to occur together.
Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #NLwx.