NOTICE: Water service interruption affecting residents on Burnt Head Road

Town crew are currently repairing a water main leak on Burnt Head Road.

Households on Burnt Head Road will experience water service interruptions during the repair.

A detour is in place during the repair.  Please reduce speed in the area and obey flagspersons.

NOTICE: CHANGE IN DATE FOR SCHEDULED WATER SERVICE INTERRUPTION affecting households and businesses from intersection of St. Clare Avenue and Adelaide Street to (but not including) Water Street


Due to forecasted rainfall amounts, the contractor has advised us that the scheduled water service interruption to complete the final water main connections will be postponed from Tuesday, June 25th to Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

NOTICE: Water service interruption

The contractor for Adelaide Street Phase 2 will be completing the final water main connections on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

On Wednesday, June 26, 2024, households and businesses located in the area of Adelaide Street from the intersection of St. Clare Avenue and Adelaide Street to (but not including) Water Street will be affected by a water shut off from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

We will provide updates as they are available.

Notice: Water service interruption scheduled for Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The contractor for Adelaide Street Phase 2 will be completing the final water main connections on Tuesday, June 25th.

On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, households and businesses

located in the area of Adelaide Street from the intersection of St. Clare Avenue and Adelaide Street to (but not including)
Water Street will be affected by a water shut off from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.


We will provide updates as they are available.



Swimming Lesson Registration

Registration for the summer set starts next week. Create your account and register here.


There is now a province wide fire ban in place.

The forest fire weather index forecast for the province tomorrow ranges from MODERATE to EXTREME for many areas. Residents are reminded open or outdoor fires are not permitted and burning permits are invalid when there is a fire ban in place.    All outdoor fires are prohibited this includes the use of backyard fire pits, charcoal barbecues, and the use of fireworks.

Operators of off-road vehicles should be vigilant when travelling in grassy and forest areas. Use a proper screening or baffling device to prevent sparks from escaping and carry a fire extinguisher with a minimum of 225 grams of ABC-class dry chemical.

Provincial fire hazard index maps are updated daily and can be viewed at the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture website.

For additional information about the 2024 forest fire season, including important wildfire prevention information visit the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture website or the FireSmart Canada website.


Public Notice: Discretionary Use- 130 Valley Road

The Town of Carbonear is in receipt of an application to operate a  Home Based Business (Spa Service) from 130 Valley Road. This application is being considered as a discretionary use in a Residential Medium Density Zone. For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].

Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town of Carbonear no later than 2pm, Thursday, July 4, 2024.

 Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear P. O. Box 999, Carbonear, NL      A1Y 1C5
Tel:  596-3831       Fax: 596-5021 E-mail: [email protected]


130 Valley Road Spa Services

Public Notice: Discretionary Use- 23 Crossroads

An application has been received by Council to construct a shed at 23 Crossroads which will result in a total floor area of all accessory buildings on the lot of 158 m2. The maximum floor area is 81 m2. Council has the discretion to approve a greater floor area where the property has at least 1400 m2 of land that do not exceed a total lot coverage of 7%.

For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].

Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town of Carbonear no later than 2:00 pm on Thursday, July 4, 2024, by mail to:

Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear, P. O. Box 999, Carbonear, NL      A1Y 1C5
Fax: 596-5021, or E-mail: [email protected].

23 Crossroads

Public Notice: Discretionary Use- 105 Valley Road

An application has been received by Council to construct a greenhouse at 105 Valley Road which will result in a total floor area of all accessory buildings on the lot of 106.3 m².  The maximum floor area is 81 m².  Council has the discretion to approve a greater floor area where the property has at least 1400 m² of land that do not exceed a total lot coverage of 7%.  For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].

Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town of Carbonear no later than 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 27, 2024, by mail to:

Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear
P.O Box 999, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5
Tel: (709) 596-3831 Fax: (709) 596-5021
or Email: [email protected]

Town of Carbonear Discretionary Use 105 Valley Road

Public Notice: Discretionary Use – 167 Forest Road

The Town of Carbonear is in receipt of an application to operate a Home Office- Independent Travel Agent, from 167 Forest Road.  This application is being considered as a discretionary use in a Low Density Zone.  For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].


Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town of Carbonear no later than 2 p.m. , Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear
P.O Box 999, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5;
Tel: (709) 596-3831  Fax: (709) 596-5021
or Email: [email protected]

Town of Carbonear Discretionary Use 167 Forest Road

Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting – Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

The Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting is Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

The meeting will be live streamed on the Town of Carbonear YouTube Channel or space to attend in person is available in the Council Chambers


School’s out!

Schools out!
A reminder to drivers to take extra caution today as it is the last day of school for the year. Students will be leaving school today and will need drivers to slow down and watch for the excited kids around school zones and on their way home.
As well, Carbonear Collegiate graduating class will be hosting their prom and will be travelling around Carbonear later today. Please keep an eye out for students and exercise caution and patience.
We wish students, teachers, school staff and parents a safe and enjoyable summer!

13th Annual Pride Flag Raising & Pride Picnic

The Town of Carbonear and Communities Against Violence are proud to present:

13th Annual Pride Flag Raising & Pride Picnic
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
1:00-3:00 p.m.

Flag Raising at 1 p.m.

The event will take place at the Pergola Park Community Flag Pole.
In the event of inclement weather, event will be moved to Thursday, June 27, 2024.


Seniors Kitchen Party this Wednesday, June 19, 2024 from 2 to 4 p.m.

Join our Seniors Kitchen Party this Wednesday, June 19, 2024 from 2 to 4 p.m. at 163 Water Street.

The forecast looks fantastic and we might even be able to break out the lemonade this time!
Stop by & have a scuff or bring along your instrument to join in!

Town of Carbonear celebrates installation of its first Pride Crosswalk

The Town of Carbonear is celebrating the installation of its first Pride Crosswalk in front of the Conception Bay North Regional Community Centre on Water Street.

The Town of Carbonear recognizes our community’s diversity and the importance of continued commitment toward inclusion.

Stay tuned for details of our upcoming 13th Annual Pride Flag Raising Celebration later this month!

Reminder from Eastern Regional Service Board: OVERSIZED ITEMS (BULK WASTE) COLLECTION

The deadline to book a bulk waste collection appointment in our area is July 5.
Book an appointment online at…/bulk-waste/ , or scan the QR code.
Or call toll free 1-877-878-2166

Seniors Tulip Tea Party

NOTICE: Annual Water Main Flushing Program starts today, Monday, June 3, 2024

The Town of Carbonear would like to advise property owners that the annual water main flushing program starts June 3, 2024

June 3—7 Areas West of the Community Centre & north of Island Pond Brook
June 10— June 14 St. Clare Ave. and areas between Chapel Hill & Crocker’s Cove
June 17—June 21 Southside of Carbonear including Powell Dr. to Saddle Hill; Pondside Road; London Road including connecting streets and Forest Rd.
During this time some discoloration and reduction in water pressure may occur. Residents are asked to refrain from washing clothes and other related activities when flushing is taking place in your
If you notice discoloration, please run the cold water tap (preferably one without a screen such as in the bath tub) until the water clears to remove any sediment that may have entered their service lines during the flushing in their area.
Discoloration in the water will be temporary.
We appreciate your cooperation & apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Eastern Regional Service Board (ERSB) Notice:  Bulk Waste Collection

Oversized Items Collection (Bulk Waste):  BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

Online bookings will open on the ERSB website starting today, Monday, June 3 for curbside collection of Oversized Items.

Please note that collections are by appointment only.

Today, Monday, June 3, Carbonear residents will have an opportunity to book a July collection in the following areas:

Once an appointment has been booked a confirmation notice will be sent by email.

Only items identified at the time of booking will be accepted on the scheduled appointment day.

Book online at…/bulk-waste/; or call toll-free 1-877-878-2166.

Please email inquiries to [email protected].

POSTPONED NOTICE: Water service interruption affecting households and businesses between St. Clare Avenue and Water Street on Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday, June 3, 2024:  Water shut off has been postponed until further notice.

The contractor for Adelaide Street Phase 2 will be completing work requiring a water shut off on Monday, June 3, 2024.

On Monday, June 3, 2024, households and businesses located in the area from St. Clare Avenue to Water Street will be affected by a water shut off from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

We will provide updates as they are available.

NOTICE: Line painting on Powell Drive will begin tomorrow, Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Town crew will begin line painting on Powell Drive tomorrow, Tuesday, May 28, 2024.

Please reduce speed heading into the area. Drivers are asked to obey signage posted and directions of flagspersons.

Flushing of hydrants on Remembrance Loop Monday, May 27, 2024


Flushing of hydrants on Remembrance Loop

For Residents on Remembrance Loop

On Monday, May 27, 2024, you may notice temporary discoloration of water for a short period.

The private contractor completing water and sewer infrastructure work in your area will be flushing out the new lines.



Happy 70th Anniversary Noel Motors & Transit!

On this date in 1954, Noel Motors & Transit Limited opened their doors for the first time.

Happy 70th Anniversary!

Noel Motors & Transit are celebrating this amazing accomplishment by hosting an Open House up until 3 p.m. today.

Drop in for a piece of cake, coffee, a chat and to share Congratulations!

Congratulations to management and staff! Here’s to another 70 years of success!



Access to the Quinn’s Place playground will be via Blueberry Crescent until further notice due to water and sewer infrastructure work being completed by a private contractor on Remembrance Loop

Town of Carbonear Special Council Meeting – Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:30 p.m .

Town of Carbonear Special Council Meeting Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.

The public is invited to attend the meeting in-person at the Council Chambers, Conception Bay Regional Community Centre, 256 Water Street

This meeting will not be live-streamed.


Carbonear Concert Announcement: “Rockin’ Da Garden”

CARBONEAR CONCERT ANNOUNCEMENT: This year we’re “Rockin’ Da Garden” again at Paddy’s Garden on August 24th with musical performances by Masterless Men, The Aldermen, and Local Artists headlined by Reilly Meadus!

ARE YOU A LOCAL ARTIST? And want to open up the Garden on August 24th? Email [email protected]

TICKET SALES: Tickets go on sale June 1st through Eventbrite:…/rockin-da-garden-carbonear…

Advance tickets – $25 – On sale June 1st while supplies last! Includes an alcoholic beverage until 9PM.

Regular Ticket – $35 – On sale June 1st while supplies last – Incudes an alcoholic beverage until 9PM.

19+ ID Required


Today, May 17, 2024 is proclaimed Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) Awareness Day in the Town of Carbonear

Today, May 17, 2024 was proclaimed Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) Awareness Day at the Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting this week.
Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) is a type of tumor that starts in the brain stem and controls breathing, nerves, and muscles, which can cause problems with everyday functions.

DIPG is the most common malignant brain tumor found in children, with over 75% of brainstem tumors being DIPG
Most people are unaware that DIPG is the leading cause of brain tumor deaths in children and remains incurable.
This evening from 6 to 8 p.m. at the John T Pike Fire Hall on Bannerman Street, the Carbonear Volunteer Fire Department are hosting their annual awareness event in memory of Trinity Ellsworth who lost her battle with DIPG in May of 2022.
Tammy and Edwin Ellsworth, a fire department family and parents of Trinity, are fundraising to purchase playground equipment for the Soper Avenue playground in memory of Trinity. The Carbonear Volunteer Fire Department will be selling hotdogs and drinks, as well as accepting donations towards this initiative.
As well, tomorrow, Saturday, May 18, 2024, the 2nd Annual Craft Fair in aid of DIPG Research will take place at the Knights of Columbus, Carbonear from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Yoga at the Pergola Park 2024!

Yoga at the Pergola Park 2024!
Join Jen Ellsworth of Balanced Life with Jen for a free yoga session
from June to September!
Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.
First session will take place on Tuesday, June 25, 2024!

This summer! Free Plein Air Painting sessions!

This summer!
We are excited to partner with Michelle’s Fine Art to offer free Plein Air Painting sessions this summer!
Join us this summer!

Community Clean Up 2024!

Community Clean-up 2024!

Residents, neighbourhoods, community groups, schools and
businesses can register online or by telephone!
We will provide the supplies for your clean-up event!
Register online:
Call to register: 709-596-3831
Saturday, June 8, 2024
9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
NEW this year!
Find the Golden Trash Can Voucher!
3 vouchers will be hidden in clean–up areas throughout Town
Prizes include gift cards & merchandise!

SpacesShared Community Engagement Session 2024

You’re invited to a SpacesShared Community Engagement Session!

SpacesShared has news about an exciting opportunity for students and Canadians who have spare bedrooms right here in Carbonear.

They help students who need a place to stay in our community by pairing them with residents who have a spare bedroom available. The students get safe and affordable housing, and the host gets a little extra income, some help around the house, and the company of having someone stay with them.

Register here:

Join us to learn how it all works, enjoy some light refreshments, and then if you have space to share or are looking for accommodations while studying in Carbonear, visit the SpacesShared website – – to create an account and start the matching process.


Grief and Bereavement Education Session

Pastoral Care and Bereavement Services (Eastern Urban & Rural Zone) is offering a “Grief and Bereavement Education Session” scheduled on
Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 from 6:30-8:00pm via Zoom.
Link to Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 987 8684 4044
Passcode: 833263
These sessions will provide information on understanding grief, guide you through the grieving process, and give suggestions on what you can do to help yourself and others during this time of grief. The session will include a presentation, videos and opportunity for discussion or to ask questions about grief. These sessions are free and open to the general public.
For further information, please contact:
Bereavement Services at 777-6959 or [email protected]
Upcoming 2024 Dates *The same link can be used each month
June 11th
July 9th
August 13th
September 10th
October 8th
November 12th
No photo description available.
See insights and ads
Boost post


Carbonear Minor Softball Registration is now open!

Registration is now open!

Please visit our new website to register for U7-U17 divisions @
U5 (only!) will register via the google sheet pinned at the top of the page
Please note: U17 practice slots TBA
Second, third (etc.) children registered within the same family can use the promo code siblings10 to save $10 on registration costs. First child will pay full $75 registration

NOTICE: Water main repair and Traffic Advisory- Water Street East

Town crew are currently repairing a water main leak in the area of Water Street East.

The area of Water Street from Harbour Rock Hill to Burnt Head Road will be local thru traffic only.

Residents in the area may experience water service interruptions while the repair work is being completed.

Please reduce speed in the area and obey flagspersons on site.


REMINDER: Household Hazardous Waste Day – June 8, 2024

Household Hazardous Waste Day- June 8th, 2024

Eastern Regional Service Board would like for everyone with household hazardous waste to participate in the 2024 Household Hazardous Waste event. Events are held at the local Fire Hall between 9 am and 1 pm.

PLEASE NOTE: This year, there is no Household Hazardous Waste Collection site in the Town of Carbonear.
ERSB has chosen 5 locations, with the closest location indicated as Whiteway.
The complete list of events offered by ERSB on June 8th at the Fire Halls in:
St. Joseph’s
St. Shott’s
Household hazardous waste is anything in your house that is poisonous, corrosive, flammable, or explosive. Hazardous materials do NOT belong with regular household garbage. If you must use hazardous products, then you must also practice safe disposal.

Community Garden Bed Registration is now open!

Community Garden Bed Registration!

Registration for garden beds in the St. Patrick’s Organic Community Garden is now open, Wednesday, May 08, 2024.

Cost per garden bed is $20.00 for the season.
Previous garden bed owners will get first opportunity to keep their plot.

To register:
Stop by the Town office to fill out a registration form or fill out online.

Registration & payment deadline:
Friday, May 31, 2024
Space is limited!

Online registration form can be found here:

Happy Nurses Week!

Happy Nurses Week 2024!
Thank you for all you do for our community and province!

Household Hazardous Waste Day- June 8th, 2024

Household Hazardous Waste Day- June 8th, 2024

Eastern Regional Service Board would like for everyone with household hazardous waste to participated in the 2024 Household Hazardous Waste event in your area. Events are held at the local Fire Hall between 9 am and 1 pm.

ERSB is pleased to offer events on June 8th at the Fire Halls in:

St. Joseph’s
St. Shott’s

Household hazardous waste is anything in your house that is poisonous, corrosive, flammable, or explosive. Hazardous materials do NOT belong with regular household garbage. If you must use hazardous products, then you must also practice safe disposal.

For more information:

Eastern Regional Service Board (ERSB) Reminder: CLEAR BAGS REMINDER

A reminder that using clear bags for household waste will become mandatory effective May 1.

Thanks to everyone who already transitioned to clear bags.
Find more info about clear bags here
For alerts and updates, check the ERSB website and sign up for Voyent Alert!

Adelaide Street Water, Sewer, Storm & Street Upgrades – Phase 2 has begun.

Adelaide Street Water, Sewer, Storm & Street Upgrades – Phase 2 has begun.

The project consists of upgrades to the street infrastructure of Adelaide Street, from the intersection with Stentafords Lane to intersection of Powell’s Supermarket access and Adelaide Street. The upgrades will consist of new storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water infrastructure (main and service lines), as well as new asphalt, curb & gutter, and sidewalk (one side).
The contractor will have crew on site Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. – 7 p.m and Friday 7 a.m. – 12 noon.
In the area of active construction, there will be no thru traffic. Road in active construction zone will be reduced to one lane, with detours in place at times. Please reduce speed heading into the construction zone and follow the directions of flagspersons on site. Hook-up of temporary waterlines is expected to take place Wednesday, May 1, 2024 for those homes along the construction zone and will require a water shut-off. Temporary interruption of water services will take place on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 for this area.

Multicultural Cooking Classes!

Multicultural Cooking Classes!
Starting with our talented volunteer teacher – Alda Jarvis!

May 1st, 2024 is proclaimed World Maternal Mental Health Day!

Tonight the Town of Carbonear Council proclaimed May 1st, 2024 as World Maternal Mental Health Day.

28% of mothers in Newfoundland and Labrador will experience a significant mood disorder during and after pregnancy, possibly leading to a more severe mental illness.
The Perinatal Mental Health Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador has been created to improve the care provided to birthing persons and their families.

The Carbonear General Hospital – NLHS Rural Eastern Zone Team are hosting the 3rd Annual Flora’s Walk on Saturday, May 4th at the George W. Earle Promenade.
Portion of Flora’s Walk donations from this event will help Carbonear General Hospital – NLHS Rural Eastern Zone Team continue to provide its Perinatal Mental Health Pathway, which is the first of its kind in the province!

For donation information, please follow this link:

The Town of Carbonear Council Meeting will take place today, Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

The Town of Carbonear Council Meeting will take place today, Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

The meeting will be live streamed on the Town of Carbonear YouTube Channel or space is available in the Council Chambers

Congratulations to CAO Cynthia Davis! 2024 Long Service Award (30 years)

Congratulations to CAO Cynthia Davis on receiving a Professional Municipal Administrators (PMA) 2024 Long Service Award (30 years) in recognition of her service and contribution to municipal government at the PMA Conference last week!

From PMA:
“The unwavering dedication and loyalty to your respective municipalities does not go unnoticed. Each of you are an integral part of your community’s success, and should be proud of all the excellent work you’ve done.”

Thank you & Congratulations Cynthia!

Town of Carbonear Volunteer Appreciation Reception 2024

Town of Carbonear Volunteer Appreciation Reception 2024
Thank you to the many folks who attended the Volunteer Appreciation Reception last night.
Thank you to each and every volunteer in our community -we appreciate your commitment and contribution to our community!

Happy 9th Anniversary The Painted Mango!

Happy 9th Anniversary The Painted Mango Decor & Gifts


Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting will take place Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

The Town of Carbonear Council Meeting will take place today, Wednesday, April 23, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

The meeting will be live streamed on the Town of Carbonear YouTube Channel or space is available in the Council Chambers


The Town Office will be closed on Monday, April 22, 2024 in observance of St. George’s Day.

Please Note:
The Town Office will be closed on Monday, April 22, 2024 in observance of St. George’s Day.

The Town office will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.


Town of Carbonear Volunteer Appreciation Reception tonight, Wednesday, April 17th at 6:30 p.m.

National Volunteer Week is April 14th to the 20th.

The theme for National Volunteer Week 2024 is “Every Moment Matters”. The theme highlights the importance of every volunteer and each contribution they make at a moment when we need support more than ever.

On Wednesday, April 17, 2024 we will host a Volunteer Appreciation Reception to recognize and celebrate every volunteer and each contribution they’re making to strengthen inclusivity and wellbeing in our Town!

NOTICE: Water main repair and traffic advisory

Town crew are currently repairing a water main leak on Burnt Head Road.
Residents in the area may experience water service interruptions while the repair work is being completed.
Please reduce speed in the area and obey flagspersons on site.

NOTICE: Flags are at half-mast in memory of Edison (Ted) Oates

The flags in front of the Conception Bay Regional Community Centre have been lowered to half mast to mark the passing of our retired Public Works Department employee, Edison (Ted) Oates.

We offer our sincere condolences to his family and friends.



The Municipal Assessment Agency Inc has a new animated video “Understanding Property Assessments & Property Taxes in NL & Lab.”

The Municipal Assessment Agency Inc. has a new animated video, “Understanding Property Assessments & Property Taxes in Newfoundland and Labrador”. The video and more information is available on their website
Did you know the Municipal Assessment Agency Inc. is responsible for assessing more than 210,000 properties in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Revised 2024 Collection Calendar for Carbonear now available from Eastern Regional Service Board (ERSB)


A revised 2024 Collection Calendar for Carbonear and area, including Victoria comes into effect May 13. The new schedule is being mailed to customers and is available on our website at the following link:


April 15th proclaimed National American Sign Language Day

During the Regular Council Meeting last night, Tuesday, April 09, 2024; April 15th was proclaimed National American Sign Language Day.
It has been 206 years since Tuesday, April 15, 1817 since the first school for the Deaf was opened in Hartford Connecticut.
Statistics show that 357,000 of Canadians are Deaf while 3.21 Million are Hard of Hearing. That’s 1 out of every 25 Canadians will be either Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

Town of Carbonear Council Meeting will take place today, Tuesday, April 09, 2024 at 5:30 p.m

The Town of Carbonear Council Meeting will take place today, Tuesday, April 09, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.
The meeting will be live streamed on the Town of Carbonear YouTube Channel or space is available in the Council Chambers

We are hiring! Summer student positions in Recreation and Tourism Departments (pending funding approval)

We are hiring for Summer Student positions in Recreation and Tourism departments! (Pending funding approval)
Deadline: Friday, May 17, 2024 (by 4:30 p.m.)
For Tourism/Event Ambassador positions:
Drop off resumes to the Town Office (256 Water Street) Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Or by mail:
Tourism Summer Student Positions
Town of Carbonear
P.O Box 999, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5

Recreation Department summer positions:
To apply:
Drop off resumes to the Carbonear Swimming Pool, 63 Valley Road, Carbonear Attn: Rob Button
Mail resumes:
Town of Carbonear
Attn: Rob Button
P.O Box 999, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5
PLEASE NOTE: These are summer student employment positions.

We are hiring! Trails and Community Garden Ambassador


Summer Student Employment Opportunity

Trails and Community Garden Ambassador
35hr/week for 10 weeks

Job description:
The successful candidate will be responsible for communicating & engaging with Nell’s Trail & Davis Earle Trail visitors regarding the natural area trails.  Additionally, with the Community Garden participants regarding & the Town composting project.

Assist with the maintenance of visitor access points of the trail network, including identifying locations for information signage & storyboards.

Plan, promote & host education sessions covering gardening & composting topics

Candidates must be:

(i) between the ages of 15 and 30 (inclusive)
(ii) a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person as
defined by immigration and Refugee Protection Act
(iii) legally entitled to work in Canada

Submit resume & cover letter outlining relevant skills & experience to:

Email: [email protected]
drop off resume between 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday,
Town Council Office, 256 Water Street, Carbonear

Position provided through funding approved
from the CPRA 2024 Green Jobs Initiative.


Town crew are currently repairing a water main leak on Gladstone Road.

Gladstone Road will be closed to thru traffic.

Residents in the area may experience water service interruptions while the repair work is being completed.

Please reduce speed in the area and obey flagspersons on site.

Town of Carbonear Volunteer Appreciation Reception Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

National Volunteer Week is April 14th to the 20th.

The theme for National Volunteer Week 2024 is “Every Moment Matters”. The theme highlights the importance of every volunteer and each contribution they make at a moment when we need support more than ever.

On Wednesday, April 17, 2024 we will host a Volunteer Appreciation Reception to recognize and celebrate every volunteer and each contribution they’re making to strengthen inclusivity and wellbeing in our Town!

Notice from Eastern Regional Service Board (ERSB) regarding Waste Collection Containers

Notice from Eastern Regional Service Board:
Eastern Regional Service Board (ERSB) will no longer collect waste from refrigerators, freezers, or other household appliances being used as garbage boxes.
Waste will continue to be collected from acceptable garbage boxes as long as the garbage boxes are of standard wooden or other durable store-bought design.
Town of Carbonear Solid Waste Disposal Regulations
7 (a) (ii) no person shall utilize refrigerators, freezers and or other appliances and or oil tanks for storage of garbage;

PUBLIC NOTICE Discretionary Use 1 Lemarchant Street


Discretionary Use

The Town of Carbonear is in receipt of an application to operate a Hair Salon, from 1 Lemarchant Street. This application is being considered as a discretionary use in a Residential Medium Density Zone. For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].

Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town of Carbonear no later than

2pm, Thursday,  April 18, 2024.

 PDF can be found here: 1 Lemarchant Street

 Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear P. O. Box 999, Carbonear, NL      A1Y 1C5
Tel:  596-3831       Fax: 596-5021 E-mail: [email protected]

Town of Carbonear Recreation Master Plan (2023-2033)

The Town of Carbonear Recreation Master Plan (2023-2033)

“The Carbonear Town Council endeavors to provide residents with the best recreation services possible.  It has undertaken this Recreation Master Plan to allow it to strategically manage the direction of all parks and recreation services for the next 10 years, 2023-20433.  The Master Plan provides a clear action plan to guide and direct the Municipality in the development and operation of future recreation facilities and opportunities.”

The Recreation Master Plan 2023 document can be found here: TRACT – TOC Recreation Master Plan


NOTICE: Town of Carbonear Special Council Meeting

Town of Carbonear Special Council Meeting
Wednesday, April 03, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
The public is invited to attend the meeting in-person at the Council Chambers, Conception Bay Regional Community Centre, 256 Water Street
This meeting will not be live-streamed.

Development Application Variance Request 67-73 Earle’s Lane

Development Application Variance Request

67-73 Earle’s Lane

March 27, 2024

A request has been submitted requesting permission to vary the minimum rear yard requirements from 9 m to 8.40 m.  The Town can consider a variance that does not exceed 10% of the standards in the Development Regulations.

Information regarding the proposed variance request can be made to the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].

If you have objections or representations concerning variance advertisement, they must be received in writing in the form of a signed statement, including your name and street address to the Town Office at P.O. Box 999, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5 or by email to [email protected] no later than April 11, 2024 @  2 pm. If you have any questions, please contact the Town at 709-596-3831 or by email to [email protected].

In accordance with the Town’s policy, neighbouring properties are notified in writing by the Town of requests for variances to the development regulations.

PDF can be found here:67-73 Earles Lane


NOTICE: Discretionary Notice 33 Crowdy Street

Discretionary Use  33 Crowdy Street


A development application has been received to construct a 4 Unit Housing Complex at 33 Crowdy Street.  This application is being considered as a discretionary use in a Residential Medium Density Zone.

For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].

Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town of Carbonear no later than 2pm,  Thursday, April 18, 2024

 PDF can be found here: Discretionary Notice 33 Crowdy Street

Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear
P. O. Box 999, Carbonear, NL  A1Y 1C5
Tel:  596-3831       Fax: 596-5021        E-mail: [email protected]

2024 marks the 75th year of the province’s Confederation with Canada.

2024 marks the 75th year of the province’s Confederation with Canada. Newfoundland and Labrador’s entered into Canada on April 1, 1949.

The Town of Carbonear will keep our 75 at the Pergola Park on display for the year of 2024 to commemorate this celebration!


Public Notice: Discretionary Use 11 Quarter’s Lane

The Town of Carbonear is in receipt of an application to operate a child care business from 11 Quarter’s Lane.  This application is being considered as a Discretionary Use in Residential Medium Density Zone.  For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected]

Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town of Carbonear no later than 2 p.m., Thursday, April 4, 2024 to

Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear
P.O Box 999, Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5
Tel: (709) 596-3831 Fax: (709) 596-5021
or Email: [email protected]

Town of Carbonear Discretionary Use 11 Quarter’s Lane (002)

World Down Syndrome Day! Rock your socks!

Today we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day, so ROCK YOUR SOCKS! This year the theme is #EndTheStereotypes
Today, on World Down Syndrome Day, we raise awareness about all the things people with Down Syndrome CAN do!
Let’s see your pics of you rocking your socks!

Eastern Regional Service Board Notice regarding interim waste collection schedule

NOTICE from Eastern Regional Service Board (ERSB) regarding interim waste collection schedule.

Please find below an interim schedule for garbage and recycling collection in Carbonear and Area— this interim schedule will be in effect April 2 – May 10, 2024.

A revised calendar for the remainder of 2024 will be announced by April 30 as part of a new collection contract for our area.

Until then, please note that the only change will see Thursday collection for west of Bemisters Hill to Pondside Road and sideroads off Pondside Road, move to Tuesdays.

A reminder to residents, please sign up for alerts from Eastern Regional Service Board on Voyent Alert!

UPDATE WORK IS COMPLETE NOTICE: Water leak repair and Traffic Advisory

NOTICE: Water leak repair and Traffic Advisory

Town crew are currently repairing a water main leak on Adelaide Street (near Water Street).

Adelaide Street will be closed to traffic from Water Street to the intersection of St. Clare Avenue & Adelaide Street. Detours will be in place.

Residents in the area may experience water service interruptions while the repair work is being completed.

Please reduce speed in the area and obey flagspersons on site.

First public DRAFT of the new Municipal Plan and Development Regulations are now available online.

The consultant contracted with completing the new Municipal Plan and Development Regulations have released the first public DRAFT of the new Municipal Plan and Development Regulations.

“We are pleased to announce the release of the first public drafts of the new Municipal Plan and Development Regulations. Please take some time to review the documents, and join us for the public meeting on March 21st.”

Three documents are available at

1)  DRAFT Municipal Plan

2)  DRAFT Development Regulations

3)  Summary of Changes – Existing    Documents to 2024.03.15 Drafts

Join the project team on Thursday, March 21, at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers (256 Water Street) to learn more about the project, ask questions, and share your feedback. This meeting will also be live-streamed and shared on the Town of Carbonear YouTube channel ( for those who are unable to join in person.


NOTICE: Water leak repair and traffic advisory

Town crew are currently repairing a water main leak on Patrick Street.

Patrick Street will be closed to traffic with a detour via Rocky Lane and St. Clare Avenue.

Residents in the area may experience water service interruptions while the repair work is being completed.
Please reduce speed in the area and obey flagspersons on site.

PUBLIC NOTICE: Discretionary Use at 35 Hoyles Road

Public Notice: Discretionary Use
The Town has received a request to approve a total floor area of an accessory building in a residential medium density zone from the maximum of 50 m² to 102.7 m² and to vary the height of the two storey accessory building from 6.1m to 6.7m at 35 Hoyles Road.  Council has the discretion to approve a greater floor area where the lot coverage does not exceed 7% and the property has at least 1400 m² of land.  For further information on the application, please contact the Town Office at 709-596-3831 or by emailing [email protected].  Anyone with objections or representations must provide a signed written statement, including your name and street address to the Town of Carbonear no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 21, by mail to:
Ms. Cynthia Davis, Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Carbonear
P.O Box 999, Carbonear NL, A1Y 1C5;
Tel: (709) 596-3831  Fax: (709) 596-5021
or Email: [email protected]




Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting is today, Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

The Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting is today, Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

The meeting will be live streamed on the Town of Carbonear YouTube Channel or space is available in the Council Chambers



Update from Eastern Regional Service Board (ERSB) regarding changes to recycling collection


Update from Eastern Regional Service Board (ERSB) regarding changes to recycling collection

Eastern Regional Service Board has notified the Town of Carbonear of an upcoming change in the recycling collection schedule for the Town.   Effective the week starting Monday, March 4, 2024, the Recycling Collection schedule will change.   On the previous schedule, the recycling collection was scheduled for March 6-8th.  This collection will now take place March 13-15 and bi-weekly from thereon (as indicated in the graphic below).

An interim schedule has been included below as a graphic.

Residents will receive an updated schedule from Eastern Regional Service Board in the coming weeks.  Once the new 2024 Collection Calendar is provided to the Town of Carbonear, we will also place it on our website, share it on our social media and have paper copies available at the front desk in the Town office (open Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m. )


Starting today, Friday, February 16th, 2024 up to and including Wednesday, February 21, 2024 the Town office will be closed for lunch from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.

Starting today, Friday, February 16th, 2024 up to and including Wednesday, February 21, 2024 the Town office will be closed for lunch from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.

If you have a municipal emergency during this hour, you can call 709-596-3831 EXT 234

We apologize for any inconvenience.


UPDATE from Eastern Regional Service Board regarding waste collection scheduled for today, Thursday, February 15, 2024 – postponed

Update from Eastern Regional Service Board regarding waste collection scheduled for today, Thursday, February 15, 2024.

CARBONEAR AND AREA— Collection scheduled for today (Thur. Feb 15) in your area is postponed due to weather and road conditions.


Public Advisory: Adverse Weather Conditions Anticipated

Justice and Public Safety
Transportation and Infrastructure
February 13, 2024
Public Advisory: Adverse Weather Conditions Anticipated
The Provincial Government is monitoring forecast information on a weather system that is anticipated to affect many regions of the province over the coming days (February 14-16).
Heavy snowfall with blowing snow, including impacts from storm surge, are forecast to begin early tomorrow morning (Wednesday, February 14) and will persist over the following days. Strong winds will combine with fresh snowfall to create poor visibility at times in heavy and blowing snow on the Avalon, Bonavista and Burin Peninsulas as well as the northeast coast.
The Provincial Emergency Operations Centre is currently activated to Level 1 – Enhanced Monitoring. While no action is required from emergency management partners at this time, they are asked to continue monitoring for updates and forecast information.
Residents are encouraged to monitor the Environment Canada forecast for the most up-to-date information.
Snow plows and ice control crews will be active during the weather event, however visibility will be reduced leading to unsafe driving conditions. Motorists are reminded to slow down and drive to conditions, and to check NL 511 via the mobile app, or call 511 for driving conditions in your area.
Municipalities and local service districts should ensure appropriate provisions are made for the delivery of services during severe weather events.
Visit for more information on emergency preparedness, including how to prepare for a blizzard-like conditions.

Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting is today, Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

The Town of Carbonear Regular Council Meeting is today, Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

The meeting will be live streamed on the Town of Carbonear YouTube Channel or space is available in the Council Chambers