Tax Payments


Effective February 15, 2021, the Town office is closed to the public.

For the latest updates on Town programs and services such as permits, bulk collection, and tax payments, please visit the link:
COVID 19 Information and Updates

Specifically for Tax Payment information: COVID 19 Information and Updates: Tax Payments

For tax payments, customers are encouraged to continue to submit their payments through online banking, bank machine or by mailing in a cheque.

Credit card payments are not accepted directly but are available via Plastiq, which is a third-party provider that will charge you a fee to use this service.  The link to pay by credit card can be found on the Town’s website at under the tabs for Services, then Tax Payments, and then scroll down to the Credit Card Payment option.

Pre-authorized payments will continue as usual.  Please contact the town office if you would like to set up pre-authorized payments.

Seniors or those that are immuno-compromised and do not have these payment option available to them, please contact the town office for further options.