Conservation Corps Newfoundland and Labrador Town of Carbonear Green Team hosted a finale on Friday, August 16, 2024

On Friday, August 16, 2024, the Conservation Corps Newfoundland and Labrador Town of Carbonear Green Team presented on their summer project. The finale was hosted in partnership with the SSVP Carbonear Green Team.
The Town of Carbonear Green Team was comprised of Jack Bailey (Team Lead), Ben Clarke, Peyton Hunt and Liam King.
During the 8 week program the students completed work on increasing accessibility in the community garden, identifying species of flowers in two pollinator gardens, identifying initiatives to implement for a climate resilient garden, hosted composting sessions, and completed a tree inventory. The Green Team members also assisted in the welcome of the Communities in Bloom judges in July.
In the photos below you’ll find pictures from their summer events and work. Ben Clarke recreated images of species of flowers in the pollinator gardens as colouring sheets for us to have available at the Rorke Store Musuem.
Great job!