A reminder to residents that the bulk collection is schedule to take place as follows:
Bulk Waste Collection
A reminder to residents that the bulk collection is scheduled to take place as follows:
September 30: Carbonear (East of Bunker’s Hill)
October 14: Carbonear (North of Valley Road to and including Bunker’s Hill)
October 28: Carbonear (South of and including Valley Road)
Residents must have items curbside/roadside by 7 a.m. on the day collection begins.
It may take a number of days for bulk items to be collected from all residences. To be as efficient as possible, not all materials will necessarily be collected at once. For example, furniture may be collected on day one and metal collected the following day. Glass shall be boxed and “GLASS” written on items for the safety of collectors. Tree limbs must be tied in bundles less than 1.5 m (4 ft), less than 22 kg (50 lbs)