Urban & Rural Planning Act- Notice of Public Hearing Municipal Plan Amendment No. 26, 2019
Urban and Rural Planning Act
Notice of Public Hearing
Town of Carbonear
Municipal Plan Amendment No. 26, 2019
Development Regulations Amendment No. 28, 2019
The Town Council of Carbonear has adopted the Carbonear Municipal Plan Amendment No. 26, 2019 and Development Regulations Amendment No. 38, 2019.
The purpose of the amendment is to redesignate and rezone land located on the southwest side of Highroad North, north of Tyres Drung, from the Commercial and Industrial land use designations to the Residential land use designation to accommodate residential development. A corresponding amendment to the Development Regulations will rezone the land to the Residential Medium Density land use zone.
A Public Hearing to consider objections and representations on the Municipal Plan and Development Regulations Amendments will be held at 7:00 p.m. on the 30th day of January, 2020 at the Town Council Office, Carbonear.
Anyone wishing to make an objection or representation at the Public Hearing shall, no later than 4:00 p.m., 28th, January 2020, deposit with the Town Clerk of Carbonear, two copies of a signed written statement outlining the objection or representation. If no written objection or representation with respect to the Municipal Plan or Development Regulations Amendment are received within the time indicated, the Public Hearing may be cancelled.
Residents are encouraged to inspect the Amendments during normal business hours at the Town Council Office, Carbonear. For more information about the Municipal Plan and Development Regulations Amendment or the Public Hearing please contact the Town Office:
P.O Box 999
256 Water Street
Carbonear, NL A1Y 1C5
Tel: (709) 596-3831
Fax: (709)596-5021
Email: [email protected]
PDF:: Notice of Public Hearing Municipal Plan Amendment No 26